Presencia de parásitos en aves silvestres (Orden Passeriforme) de vida libre de la zona sur de Costa Rica.
González Rojas, Mabelle
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El objetivo del presente trabajo fue identificar en aves del Orden Passeriforme, de vida
libre, en la zona de la Gamba y San Vito en Costa Rica, los parásitos presentes, con el fin
de conocer posibles agentes que puedan afectar las aves de traspatio.
El presente trabajo se realizó capturando 453 aves. La captura de las aves se realizó
mediante el uso de redes de neblina a tempranas horas del día. Las aves capturadas fueron
colocadas en bolsas de tela para la colecta de las muestras de heces, revisadas para la
colecta de ectoparásitos. La muestra de sangre para el frotis se tomó de la vena yugular y se
realizó la extensión de la misma colocándola en un portaobjetos a campo.
Se obtuvieron un total de 418 muestras de heces, el mismo número de muestras de sangre y
158 de ectoparásitos. Las muestras de heces fueron analizadas por la técnica de observación
directo y de Sheather modificado, con las muestras de sangre se realizaron frotis sanguíneos
que fueron teñidos con Giemsa. Y los ectoparásitos fueron montados en medio de Hoyer y
observados al microscopio.
Se concluyó que los huevos de parásitos gastrointestinales presentes en las aves capturadas
son de Acuaria spp., Capillaria spp., ascaridios y ooquistes de coccidios. De los
ectoparásitos recolectados se identificaron piojos del Orden Phthiraptera, suborden
Amblycera, ácaros y coloradillas (ácaros de la familia Trombiculidae). En los frotis
sanguíneos se identificaron hemoparásitos tales como microfilarias y Hemoproteus spp.
En general, se observó la presencia de parásitos de dos grupos taxonómicos diferentes
solamente en seis aves, demostrándose que en vida libre no son comunes las parasitosis
The purpose of this study was to identify the parasites in passerine Order free living birds, in the area of the Gamba, and San Vito from Costa Rica, in order to know potential infectious agents that may affect backyard birds. This study was done by capturing 453 birds. The capture of the birds was carried out by using mist nets in the early hours of the day. Captured birds were placed in fabric bags for collecting faeces samples, they were got for a check out for the collection of ectoparasites. The blood sample for smear was taken from the jugular vein, and they were prepared on the recollection place. A total of 418 faeces samples were collected, the same number of blood samples were taken, and 158 ectoparasites samples were obtained. Faeces samples were analyzed by the direct and Sheather`s modified techniques. Blood smears were stained with Giemsa. And ectoparasites were fixed in Hoyer's medium and observed microscopically. It is concluded, that the eggs of gastrointestinal parasites in the captured birds were Acuaria spp., Capillaria spp., Ascaridios, and coccidia oocysts. In the specific case of ectoparasites, lice Phthiraptera Order, Amblycera suborder, different mites, and Trombiculidae´s family mites were identified. In blood smears, microfilariae and Hemoproteus spp. were found. In general, the presence of parasites from two different taxonomic groups were observed only in six birds, showing that in the wildlife are not common multiple parasitosis.
The purpose of this study was to identify the parasites in passerine Order free living birds, in the area of the Gamba, and San Vito from Costa Rica, in order to know potential infectious agents that may affect backyard birds. This study was done by capturing 453 birds. The capture of the birds was carried out by using mist nets in the early hours of the day. Captured birds were placed in fabric bags for collecting faeces samples, they were got for a check out for the collection of ectoparasites. The blood sample for smear was taken from the jugular vein, and they were prepared on the recollection place. A total of 418 faeces samples were collected, the same number of blood samples were taken, and 158 ectoparasites samples were obtained. Faeces samples were analyzed by the direct and Sheather`s modified techniques. Blood smears were stained with Giemsa. And ectoparasites were fixed in Hoyer's medium and observed microscopically. It is concluded, that the eggs of gastrointestinal parasites in the captured birds were Acuaria spp., Capillaria spp., Ascaridios, and coccidia oocysts. In the specific case of ectoparasites, lice Phthiraptera Order, Amblycera suborder, different mites, and Trombiculidae´s family mites were identified. In blood smears, microfilariae and Hemoproteus spp. were found. In general, the presence of parasites from two different taxonomic groups were observed only in six birds, showing that in the wildlife are not common multiple parasitosis.
Modalidad: Tesis
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