Atención de emergencias y cirugía general de especies de compañía en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional
Cruz García, Carolina
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se realizó una pasantía en el Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres (HEMS) de la Escuela de
Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional durante un periodo de diez semanas del 20 de
abril al 26 de junio del 2015.
El tiempo de la pasantía se dividió en dos aéreas de interés: primero se trabajó en el área de cirugía
por cinco semanas, participando en las cirugías como asistente del cirujano o llevando a cabo el
monitoreo de la anestesia. Luego, durante las cinco semanas restantes se trabajó en el área de
atención de emergencias, participando en el abordaje inicial hasta en el tratamiento de los pacientes
Se recibieron un total de 235 pacientes específicos de estas áreas; se realizaron 141 procedimientos
quirúrgicos y se atendieron 108 emergencias durante este periodo. Además se llevaron a cabo 339
pruebas colaterales relacionadas con estos casos.
En el presente documento se describen las actividades realizadas durante la pasantía, los datos
obtenidos en las diferentes áreas y, adicionalmente, se desarrollan dos casos clínicos a fondo. El
primero es sobre un felino hipertiroideo con enfermedad renal oculta y el segundo sobre el
tratamiento quirúrgico de un canino con un shunt portosistémico congénito extrahepático.
This ten-week internship was performed in the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres (HEMS) of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University from April 20 to June 26, 2015. The period of the internship was divided into areas of interest. During the first five weeks, the work was concentrated in the surgery area, with participation in the surgeries as an assistant or monitoring anesthesia care. The remaining five weeks, the work was carried out in emergency care, with participation from the initial intake through the treatment of the patients. A total of 235 specific patients were received in these areas; 141 surgical procedures and 108 emergencies were attended. In addition, 339 associated tests were conducted for these cases. This document describes the activities performed and the data obtained during the internship. Two in-depth clinical case studies were also developed. The first was a hyperthyroid feline with an occult renal disease and the second one was the surgical treatment of a canine with an extra hepatic, congenital Porto systemic shunt.
This ten-week internship was performed in the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres (HEMS) of the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University from April 20 to June 26, 2015. The period of the internship was divided into areas of interest. During the first five weeks, the work was concentrated in the surgery area, with participation in the surgeries as an assistant or monitoring anesthesia care. The remaining five weeks, the work was carried out in emergency care, with participation from the initial intake through the treatment of the patients. A total of 235 specific patients were received in these areas; 141 surgical procedures and 108 emergencies were attended. In addition, 339 associated tests were conducted for these cases. This document describes the activities performed and the data obtained during the internship. Two in-depth clinical case studies were also developed. The first was a hyperthyroid feline with an occult renal disease and the second one was the surgical treatment of a canine with an extra hepatic, congenital Porto systemic shunt.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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