Utilización del método de Putman para el diagnóstico de luxación de patela en perros
Arias Madrigal, Pablo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La luxación de patela posee gran importancia para los veterinarios en su práctica
cotidiana, especialmente porque es una de las condiciones ortopédicas más comunes en
perros. Además, debido a los distintos diagnósticos diferenciales que se han de considerar,
su diagnosis se complica.
Una forma de superar dicho problema es que, en los casos que se sospeche de
luxación de patela, se incluya la aplicación del método de Putman como parte del examen
ortopédico, lo cual permite graduar clínicamente a los pacientes de acuerdo con la
gravedad de su lesión.
Cualquier edad, sexo o raza puede ser afectada. Sin embargo, se ha observado que
más del setenta y cinco por ciento de las luxaciones en perros son mediales, mientras que
menos de un cuarto de los animales afectados tienen luxación lateral (Hulse, 1995;
L’Eplattenier y Montavon, 2002).
La luxación rotuliana medial con frecuencia afecta a perros de razas miniatura,
entretanto la lateral es más común en razas grandes o gigantes. Por lo general son
congénitas o del desarrollo (Hulse, 1995); pero si la causa de la lesión es traumática, la
cojera puede ser grave y, a veces, intermitente (Beale, 2003).
En la presente práctica dirigida en el H.E.M.S., se evaluó un total de 883 animales,
en general, de los cuales el mayor porcentaje de casos atendidos correspondió a problemas
de tipo músculo esquelético (39%). A 21 caninos se les aplicó el método de Putman y
además se les practicó cirugía correctiva, lo que representa un 15% de las cirugías
ortopédicas y un 11% de todas las cirugías efectuadas en el H.E.M.S.
Patelar luxation disease is very important for the veterinarians in their daily practice, especially because this diagnosis is very complex, and there are many differential diagnosis to be considered. One way to get over this problem is that in possible cases of patelar luxation, Putman´s method must be included as a step of the orthopedical exam, which allows to classify a clinical form for each patient in accordance with the injury level. Any age, sex, or breed can be affected, however more than 65% of patelar luxations are medial, while; less than a cuarter of the affected animals present a lateral patelar luxation (Hulse, 1995; L´Eplattenier y Montavon, 2002). The medial rotulian luxation frequently affects small breeds of dogs, while the lateral luxation is more common in big and giant breeds. Most of the patelar luxations could be congenital or growth problem (Hulse, 1995), but if the injury is traumatic, the limp could be serious and intermittent (Neale, 2003). The present study was performed at the Small Animal Hospital. 883 cases were evaluated, from which the major percentage was for muscular problems (39%). 21 dogs were treated with Putman´s method and also with a correction surgery, representing 15% of the orthopedical surgeries and 11% of the surgeries practiced recorded at the Small Animal Hospital.
Patelar luxation disease is very important for the veterinarians in their daily practice, especially because this diagnosis is very complex, and there are many differential diagnosis to be considered. One way to get over this problem is that in possible cases of patelar luxation, Putman´s method must be included as a step of the orthopedical exam, which allows to classify a clinical form for each patient in accordance with the injury level. Any age, sex, or breed can be affected, however more than 65% of patelar luxations are medial, while; less than a cuarter of the affected animals present a lateral patelar luxation (Hulse, 1995; L´Eplattenier y Montavon, 2002). The medial rotulian luxation frequently affects small breeds of dogs, while the lateral luxation is more common in big and giant breeds. Most of the patelar luxations could be congenital or growth problem (Hulse, 1995), but if the injury is traumatic, the limp could be serious and intermittent (Neale, 2003). The present study was performed at the Small Animal Hospital. 883 cases were evaluated, from which the major percentage was for muscular problems (39%). 21 dogs were treated with Putman´s method and also with a correction surgery, representing 15% of the orthopedical surgeries and 11% of the surgeries practiced recorded at the Small Animal Hospital.
Modalidad: Práctica dirigida
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