Mitos y retos de la sociología
Cárdenas Ramírez, Pamela
Carvajal Delgado, Génesis
Salas Loría, Yariela
Salazar Vega, Scarlette
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Oficina de Comunicación, Universidad Nacional
Los/as sociólogos en formación, desde sus
primeros acercamientos con la disciplina, se
encuentran inmersos en una gran cantidad de
mitos que engloban a la sociología y la hacen
acreedora de una especulación acerca de su
naturaleza; esto por una no muy meticulosa
orientación vocacional desde la educación
previa a la universitaria. Las personas que
se mantienen en esta disciplina han de
enfrentarse cotidianamente a esos mitos
y nociones un tanto erróneas en muchas
ocasiones. Además, persistir en la formación
implica una serie de retos y compromisos en
el manejo, por ejemplo, de egos académicos,
principalmente por el hecho de que, de
manera sistemática, se emiten criterios en
contra de esta profesión cuando se abordan
temas como el presupuesto del FEES u otros
de tipo coyuntural, desde sectores mediáticos
y voces políticas muy significativas.
Sociologists in training, from their first approaches to discipline, find themselves immersed in a large number of myths that encompass sociology and make it creditor of a speculation about her nature; this for a not very meticulous vocational guidance from education prior to college. The people that remain in this discipline must face these myths on a daily basis and notions somewhat erroneous in many occasions. Also, persist in training involves a series of challenges and commitments in the management, for example, of academic egos, mainly due to the fact that, systematic way, criteria are issued in against this profession when addressing topics such as the FEES budget or others of a conjunctural type, from media sectors and very significant political voices.
Sociologists in training, from their first approaches to discipline, find themselves immersed in a large number of myths that encompass sociology and make it creditor of a speculation about her nature; this for a not very meticulous vocational guidance from education prior to college. The people that remain in this discipline must face these myths on a daily basis and notions somewhat erroneous in many occasions. Also, persist in training involves a series of challenges and commitments in the management, for example, of academic egos, mainly due to the fact that, systematic way, criteria are issued in against this profession when addressing topics such as the FEES budget or others of a conjunctural type, from media sectors and very significant political voices.
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