El sueño de Frankenstein. Autómatas, computabilidad y lenguajes formales
Reyes Rivas, Roxana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Se ha definido a la lógica como 'la disciplina que trata de la forma del razonamiento correcto'. Y esto en general es cierto. Desde el Organon y Sobre la interpretación de Aristóteles, la lógica se ha constituido en un conjunto de métodos para elucidar la corrección de los razonamientos. En otras palabras, ya desde la lógica de la época clásica, esta disciplina ha encontrado métodos para obtener resultados mediante un número finito de pasos en un proceso más o menos mecánico. Digo más o menos porque sin duda los problemas del lenguaje natural en algunas ocasiones derramaron oscuridad sobre el trabajo aristotélico.
Sin embargo, el estagirita, posiblemente comprendiendo este problema, introduce el uso de variables; a mi se me figura un primero atisbo de formalización en el oficio de la lógica. Por supuesto, las obras aristotélicas, si bien son lo más sistemático y completo que conservamos de nuestra herencia helénica en materia de lógica, no son el único aporte de Grecia al desarrollo de dicha disciplina. Cabría mencionar el trabajo de los estoicos y megáricos, de los cuales sólo nos han llegado noticias de sus desarrollos en la lógica de proposiciones. Con esta introducción quiero proponer dos frentes de discusión que privarán en este trabajo: el primero es que el aprendizaje de la lógica afina la capacidad de razonamiento, incluido en ello el aprendizaje matemático; el segundo, el espíritu de la lógica de establecer métodos de computabilidad
Logic has been defined as 'the discipline that deals with the form of correct reasoning'. And this is generally true. Since the Organon and On the interpretation of Aristotle, logic has become a set of methods to elucidate the correctness of reasoning. In other words, since the logic of classical times, this discipline has found methods to obtain results through a finite number of steps in a more or less mechanical process. I say more or less because without a doubt the problems of natural language sometimes shed darkness on Aristotelian work. However, the stagyrite, possibly understanding this problem, introduces the use of variables; a first glimpse of formalization in the office of logic appears to me. Of course, the Aristotelian works, although they are the most systematic and complete that we conserve of our Hellenic heritage in terms of logic, they are not the only contribution of Greece to the development of this discipline. It is worth mentioning the work of the Stoics and Megarics, of whom we have only received news of their developments in the logic of propositions. With this introduction I want to propose two fronts of discussion that will prevail in this work: the first is that the learning of logic refines the reasoning capacity, including mathematical learning; the second, the spirit of the logic of establishing computability methods.
Logic has been defined as 'the discipline that deals with the form of correct reasoning'. And this is generally true. Since the Organon and On the interpretation of Aristotle, logic has become a set of methods to elucidate the correctness of reasoning. In other words, since the logic of classical times, this discipline has found methods to obtain results through a finite number of steps in a more or less mechanical process. I say more or less because without a doubt the problems of natural language sometimes shed darkness on Aristotelian work. However, the stagyrite, possibly understanding this problem, introduces the use of variables; a first glimpse of formalization in the office of logic appears to me. Of course, the Aristotelian works, although they are the most systematic and complete that we conserve of our Hellenic heritage in terms of logic, they are not the only contribution of Greece to the development of this discipline. It is worth mentioning the work of the Stoics and Megarics, of whom we have only received news of their developments in the logic of propositions. With this introduction I want to propose two fronts of discussion that will prevail in this work: the first is that the learning of logic refines the reasoning capacity, including mathematical learning; the second, the spirit of the logic of establishing computability methods.
No. 35/36 (jul.-dic., 1985) p. 207-211.
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