Técnica y humanismo en Heidegger
Morales Morales, Carlos
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En estos países nuestros, inmersos en una técnica y en una política económica brutal y antihumana, es de vital importancia buscar en todos aquellos pensadores que, cerca o lejanamente se refieran a este problema con el propósito de ir aclarando más nuestra conciencia y nuestra acción frente a la negación de la vida en la naturaleza y en la existencia social del individuo humano. Y si, además, el autor es considerado, como en el caso de Heidegger, una de las cumbres filosóficas del Occidente contemporáneo, indudablemente su análisis sobre el problema técnico antihumanista no es solo una cuestión interesante para hacer ejercicios filosóficos de la Inteligencia sino que es necesario para saber en qué escollo del devenir histórico se encuentran aferrados nuestros pueblos. Y todo esto con el fin de buscar un camino para salir de esta miseria ontológica que padecen la naturaleza y los seres humanos en América Latina.
In these countries of ours, immersed in a technique and a brutal and anti-human economic policy, it is vitally important to look to all those thinkers who, near or far, refer to this problem in order to further clarify our conscience and our action against to the denial of life in nature and in the social existence of the human individual. And if, in addition, the author is considered, as in the case of Heidegger, one of the philosophical peaks of the contemporary West, undoubtedly his analysis of the anti-humanist technical problem is not only an interesting question to do philosophical exercises of Intelligence but it is necessary to know in what obstacle of the historical evolution our peoples are clinging. And all this in order to find a way out of this ontological misery suffered by nature and human beings in Latin America.
In these countries of ours, immersed in a technique and a brutal and anti-human economic policy, it is vitally important to look to all those thinkers who, near or far, refer to this problem in order to further clarify our conscience and our action against to the denial of life in nature and in the social existence of the human individual. And if, in addition, the author is considered, as in the case of Heidegger, one of the philosophical peaks of the contemporary West, undoubtedly his analysis of the anti-humanist technical problem is not only an interesting question to do philosophical exercises of Intelligence but it is necessary to know in what obstacle of the historical evolution our peoples are clinging. And all this in order to find a way out of this ontological misery suffered by nature and human beings in Latin America.
No. 57 p. 17-36.
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