Una orden judicial internacional insatisfactoria
Sáurez Ulloa, Max
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Dentro del sistema internacional existe un conjunto de medios para que los Estados resuelvan sus controversias de forma pacífica: un primer grupo lo son de carácter político o diplomático: la negociación directa entre las partes, la mediación, los buenos oficios, la investigación y la conciliación.
Agotadas estas instancias sin haber logrado el arreglo del diferendo, se recurre al otro grupo de medios pacíficos que son los denominados jurídicos: el arbitraje y la resolución judicial. Si bien es cierto, ambos se encuentran regulados por el Derecho
Internacional, las segundas revisten un carácter más técnico y restringido.
Within the international system there is a set of means for States to resolve their disputes peacefully: the first group is of a political or diplomatic nature: direct negotiation between the parties, mediation, good offices, investigation and conciliation. Once these instances have been exhausted without having achieved the settlement of the dispute, the other group of peaceful means is resorted to, which are the so-called legal ones: arbitration and judicial resolution. Although it is true that both are regulated by international law, the latter are International Law, the latter are of a more technical and restricted nature.
Within the international system there is a set of means for States to resolve their disputes peacefully: the first group is of a political or diplomatic nature: direct negotiation between the parties, mediation, good offices, investigation and conciliation. Once these instances have been exhausted without having achieved the settlement of the dispute, the other group of peaceful means is resorted to, which are the so-called legal ones: arbitration and judicial resolution. Although it is true that both are regulated by international law, the latter are International Law, the latter are of a more technical and restricted nature.
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