Aproximación metodológica para la valoración económica de servicios ecosistémicos en corredores biológicos y zonas de amortiguamiento
Moreno Díaz, Mary Luz
Chacón Cascante, Adriana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Los ecosistemas cuentan con una dinámica propia que permite su equilibrio y desarrollo, pero al mismo tiempo generan una serie de servicios que son de vital importancia para el desarrollo de actividades socioeconómicas. Asignarles un valor a esos servicios, teniendo en cuenta su función en la generación de beneficios para el ser humano, es una forma de evidenciar su importancia, teniendo en cuenta que muchos de estos servicios no tienen un precio en el mercado. El objetivo del presente documento es proponer una aproximación metodológica, que permita valorar económicamente los beneficios obtenidos por diferentes actores, que desarrollan actividades socioeconómicas en zonas de amortiguamiento y corredores biológicos y para las que requieren flujos de servicios ecosistémicos. El proceso metodológico inició con una revisión teórica-metodológica de los principales conceptos relacionados con servicios ecosistémicos y metodologías de valoración económica, para tener una base que permitió posteriormente realizar una propuesta, que fue presentada y retroalimentada en dos grupos focales, compuestos por especialistas en temas de economía ecológica y ambiental. Como resultado se obtuvo una versión validada de la aproximación metodológica y se especificaron también algunas fortalezas y debilidades de esta.
Ecosystems have their own dynamics that allow their balance and development, but at the same time generate services that are very important for the development of socio-economic activities. Assigning a value to these services, considering their role in the generation of benefits for the human being, is a way of evidencing their importance, considering that many of these services do not have a price in the market. The objective of this document is to propose a methodological approach, which will allow to approximate the economic value of the benefits obtained by different actors, who develop socioeconomic activities in buffer zones and biological corridors and for which they require ecosystem services flows. The methodological process began with a theoretical-methodological review of the main concepts related to ecosystem services and economic valuation methodologies, to have a basis that subsequently allowed a proposal to be made, which was presented and feedbacking into two focus groups, composed of specialists in ecological and environmental economics. As a result, a validated version of the methodological approach was obtained, and some strengths and weaknesses were also specified.
Ecosystems have their own dynamics that allow their balance and development, but at the same time generate services that are very important for the development of socio-economic activities. Assigning a value to these services, considering their role in the generation of benefits for the human being, is a way of evidencing their importance, considering that many of these services do not have a price in the market. The objective of this document is to propose a methodological approach, which will allow to approximate the economic value of the benefits obtained by different actors, who develop socioeconomic activities in buffer zones and biological corridors and for which they require ecosystem services flows. The methodological process began with a theoretical-methodological review of the main concepts related to ecosystem services and economic valuation methodologies, to have a basis that subsequently allowed a proposal to be made, which was presented and feedbacking into two focus groups, composed of specialists in ecological and environmental economics. As a result, a validated version of the methodological approach was obtained, and some strengths and weaknesses were also specified.
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