Lo Siempre Actual de las Ciencias Sociales
Cedeño Castro, Rogelio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Enmarcada dentro del interés por renovar el pensamiento social universitario, de revitalizar el papel crítico y creativo de nuestra Faculta y de nuestros académicos, la serie “Cuadernos de Divulgación Académica” tienen como finalidad recuperar y divulgar resúmenes de investigaciones, investigaciones documentales y ensayos sobre diversos tópicos de interés en las Ciencias Sociales.
El interés explícito de la publicación es motivar a nuestros, de académicos a publicar y debatir sobre sus planteamientos, socializar sus puntos de vista y preocupaciones. Por eso se concibe esta publicación de una manera ágil, de bajo costo, de aparición regular y de gran flexibilidad temática.
Los objetivos específicos de la serie son: a) propiciar el debate y la reflexión académica en el seno de nuestra Faculta b) servir de apoyo a los de la investigación, la docencia y la extensión; c) promover el surgimiento de nuevas temáticas de discusión y análisis en el campo de la Investigación, la Extensión y la Docencia d) Revalorar la producción de los académicos de nuestra Facultad.
Framed within the interest in renewing university social thought, in revitalizing the critical and creative role of our Faculty and our academics, the series “Academic Dissemination Notebooks” aims to recover and disseminate research summaries, documentary research and essays on various topics of interest in the Social Sciences. The explicit interest of the publication is to motivate our academics to publish and debate their approaches, socialize their points of view and concerns. That is why this publication is conceived in an agile, low-cost, regular appearance and with great thematic flexibility. The specific objectives of the series are: a) to promote debate and academic reflection within our Faculty b) to serve as support for research, teaching and extension; c) promote the emergence of new topics of discussion and analysis in the field of Research, Extension and Teaching d) Revalue the production of the academics of our Faculty.
Framed within the interest in renewing university social thought, in revitalizing the critical and creative role of our Faculty and our academics, the series “Academic Dissemination Notebooks” aims to recover and disseminate research summaries, documentary research and essays on various topics of interest in the Social Sciences. The explicit interest of the publication is to motivate our academics to publish and debate their approaches, socialize their points of view and concerns. That is why this publication is conceived in an agile, low-cost, regular appearance and with great thematic flexibility. The specific objectives of the series are: a) to promote debate and academic reflection within our Faculty b) to serve as support for research, teaching and extension; c) promote the emergence of new topics of discussion and analysis in the field of Research, Extension and Teaching d) Revalue the production of the academics of our Faculty.
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