Efecto de la aplicación de una multimedia en la adquisición de destrezas para la evaluación de componentes de la aptitud física relacionados a la salud, en estudiantes de educación física de la Universidad Nacional
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Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar el efecto de la aplicación de una multimedia en la adquisición de destrezas necesarias en la evaluación de componentes de la aptitud física relacionados a la salud. Metodología: sujetos: estudiantes universitarios de educación física (n=29), matriculados en el curso de Evaluación de Cualidades Físicas. Instrumentos: multimedia de batería de pruebas de evaluación física relacionadas a la salud (pliegues subcutáneos, capacidad cardiorrespiratoria, flexibilidad, fuerza muscular y resistencia muscular abdominal modificada), software de autoría Neobook para elaboración de publicaciones electrónicas, versión 5.0; software para el desarrollo de evaluaciones académicas Hot Potatoes de Half – Baked Software Inc, versión 6; Adobe Premiere para capturar y editar video, versión Pro 1.5; Audicity para grabación de audio; programa básico para la edición de texto Word, cámara de video DCR-VX2000 SONY en formato MiniDV NTSC, para la grabación de video. Procedimiento: los sujetos realizaron el primer test (aplicación de pruebas para evaluar componentes de aptitud física relacionados con la salud) y tuvieron un evaluador ciego y con base en los resultados de este pretest, se distribuyeron en tres grupos de tratamiento, por la modalidad de puntajes aparejados y a cada grupo, se le aplicó un tratamiento diferente: solo teoría, solo multimedia y teoría - multimedia. Cada grupo recibió 1 hora de tratamiento por 10 semanas y finalizado este proceso, el evaluador ciego procedió a aplicar el post test para evaluar componentes de aptitud física relacionados con la salud a los 3 grupos. Asimismo se realizó una entrevista de grupo focal a cada grupo por separado, donde se identificaron factores cualitativos. Análisis Estadístico: Se utilizó un ANOVA de dos vías mixta (3 tratamientos x 2 mediciones) para el análisis cuantitativo y el análisis de contenido y categorización para los datos cualitativos. Resultados: Se encontró que no hubo interacción significativa entre mediciones y grupos, ni diferencias significativas entre grupos. Aunque se pudo observar una tendencia positiva pero no significativa en el grupo mixto (teoría-multimedia), el cual obtuvo puntajes mayores que los otros grupos. Por otro lado, sí se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las mediciones, es decir todos los grupos mejoraron los puntajes en la segunda medición. En la entrevista se puede observar una tendencia de criterio positiva hacia el uso de la multimedia como herramienta de refuerzo para mejorar los procesos de enseñanza a nivel de educación superior y específicamente en el área de las ciencias del movimiento humano y la salud. Discusión: En términos generales los resultados estadísticos indican que usar un multimedia, un multimedia como ayuda a un profesor y un profesor sin ayuda multimedial, para generar conocimiento en el área de la evaluación física no presenta diferencias, y que los tres tipos de procesos pueden ser igualmente exitosos mientras se mantengan condiciones como las presentadas en esta investigación. Por otro lado, los resultados de la entrevista permiten observar que en general se acepta la multimedia como un elemento que ayuda a mejorar el proceso de aprendizaje en el aula. Conclusiones: la multimedia funciona como un elemento que sirve para ayudar en los procesos de enseñanza en la transmisión de información técnica, permitiéndole al profesor dedicar más tiempo a otras actividades.
The objective of this study was determining the effect of the application of a multimedia on the acquisition of the necessary skills for the evaluation of physical fitness components related to health. Methodology: subjects: university physical education students (n=29), registered in the course Evaluation of Physical Qualities. Instruments: multimedia of battery of tests for physical evaluation related to health (subcutaneous tissue thickness, cardio respiratory capacity, flexibility, muscular strength and modified abdominal muscular resistance), software of authorship Neobook for the elaboration of electronic publications, version 5.0; software for development of academic evaluations Hot Potatoes from Half – Baked Software Inc., version 6; Adobe Premiere to capture and edit video, version Pro 1.5; Audicity for audio recording; basic program for editing text Word, SONY DCR-VX2000 video camera in format MiniDV NTSC, for video recording. Procedure: the subjects performed the first test (application of tests to evaluate components of physical fitness related to health) and had a blind assessor, and based on this pretest’s results were distributed in three treatment groups, by modality of paired scores and each group was applied a different treatment: only theory, only multimedia, and theory - multimedia. Each group received 1-hour treatment for 10 weeks and by the end of this process, the blind assessor proceeded to apply the post-test to evaluate the components of physical fitness related to health, to the 3 groups. Likewise, a focal group interview was carried out on each separate group, identifying the qualitative factors. Statistical Analysis: A mixed two-way ANOVA was used (3 treatments x 2 measures) for the quantitative analysis and the analysis of contents, and categorization for the qualitative data. Results: There was no significant interaction between measures and groups, or significant differences between groups; although a positive, non-significant tendency was observed in the mixed group (theory-multimedia), which obtained higher scores than the other groups. On the other hand, statistically significant differences were found between measures, meaning all the groups improved their scores in the second measurement. In the interview a positive criteria trend was observed regarding the use of multimedia as a reinforcement tool to improve the teaching process at the level of high education, and specifically in the area of human movement sciences and health. Discussion: In general terms, the statistical results indicate the use of a multimedia, a multimedia as assistance to a teacher and a teacher without multimedia assistance, to generate knowledge in the area of physical evaluation show no differences, and that the three types of processes may be equally successful provided the same conditions as presented in this investigation are maintained. On the other hand, results of the interview show that in general, multimedia is accepted as an element aiding to improve the teaching process in the classroom. Conclusions: multimedia works as an element serving to assist teaching processes for the transmission of technical information, allowing teachers to dedicate more time to other activities.
The objective of this study was determining the effect of the application of a multimedia on the acquisition of the necessary skills for the evaluation of physical fitness components related to health. Methodology: subjects: university physical education students (n=29), registered in the course Evaluation of Physical Qualities. Instruments: multimedia of battery of tests for physical evaluation related to health (subcutaneous tissue thickness, cardio respiratory capacity, flexibility, muscular strength and modified abdominal muscular resistance), software of authorship Neobook for the elaboration of electronic publications, version 5.0; software for development of academic evaluations Hot Potatoes from Half – Baked Software Inc., version 6; Adobe Premiere to capture and edit video, version Pro 1.5; Audicity for audio recording; basic program for editing text Word, SONY DCR-VX2000 video camera in format MiniDV NTSC, for video recording. Procedure: the subjects performed the first test (application of tests to evaluate components of physical fitness related to health) and had a blind assessor, and based on this pretest’s results were distributed in three treatment groups, by modality of paired scores and each group was applied a different treatment: only theory, only multimedia, and theory - multimedia. Each group received 1-hour treatment for 10 weeks and by the end of this process, the blind assessor proceeded to apply the post-test to evaluate the components of physical fitness related to health, to the 3 groups. Likewise, a focal group interview was carried out on each separate group, identifying the qualitative factors. Statistical Analysis: A mixed two-way ANOVA was used (3 treatments x 2 measures) for the quantitative analysis and the analysis of contents, and categorization for the qualitative data. Results: There was no significant interaction between measures and groups, or significant differences between groups; although a positive, non-significant tendency was observed in the mixed group (theory-multimedia), which obtained higher scores than the other groups. On the other hand, statistically significant differences were found between measures, meaning all the groups improved their scores in the second measurement. In the interview a positive criteria trend was observed regarding the use of multimedia as a reinforcement tool to improve the teaching process at the level of high education, and specifically in the area of human movement sciences and health. Discussion: In general terms, the statistical results indicate the use of a multimedia, a multimedia as assistance to a teacher and a teacher without multimedia assistance, to generate knowledge in the area of physical evaluation show no differences, and that the three types of processes may be equally successful provided the same conditions as presented in this investigation are maintained. On the other hand, results of the interview show that in general, multimedia is accepted as an element aiding to improve the teaching process in the classroom. Conclusions: multimedia works as an element serving to assist teaching processes for the transmission of technical information, allowing teachers to dedicate more time to other activities.
Palabras clave
Tecnologías Educativas de la Información y Comunicación, Multimedia, Procesos Académicos, Docente, Componentes de aptitud física, Protocolo de evaluación física, Procesos de aprendizaje, Tecnologías, Modelos de aprendizaje, Procesos académicos, Evaluación, Educational Technologies of Information and Communication, Multimedia, Academic processes, Teacher, Physical fitness components, Protocol of physical evaluation, Learning processes, Technologies, Learning models, Academic processes, Evaluation