Caracterización de la granja marina de la Asociación de Pescadores Artesanales de El Jobo de la Cruz de Guanacaste (ASOPAR)
Artavia-Jiménez, María Leonela
Benavides Vindas, Shirley Isabel
Quirós Segura, Fabiola
Salas Pinel, Fiorella
Suárez Espinoza, Kerlyn
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
En Costa Rica, la granja marina de la Asociación
de Pescadores Artesanales de El Jobo, La Cruz
de Guanacaste es un emprendimiento que se dedica al cultivo de ostras. Este territorio del Litoral
Pacífico forma parte del Proyecto “La maricultura
como fuente de desarrollo socioeconómico en el
Golfo de Nicoya”, que es promovido desde el Parque Marino del Pacifico (PMP) y la Fundación del
Parque Marino (FPMP). Mismo que surgió con el
fin de concientizar sobre la conservación del recurso marino en una zona con grandes presiones
ambientales por la sobreexplotación que resulta
de la carencia de fuentes de empleo y la pobreza.
Una granja marina, en tanto que es maricultura,
requiere desarrollarse de forma adecuada y procurando el bienestar de las personas habitantes
en las zonas costeras: generado empleo, ingreso
y encadenamientos como motor para la consolidación de esta actividad productiva. Pero todo
ello, en el marco de lo que señala Pauli (2019):
La naturaleza tiene un modelo de negocio
increíblemente eficiente. En la naturaleza no hay desechos, ni contaminación ni
desempleo. La naturaleza no entiende de
“actividad principal” o de “economía de
escala”. La naturaleza respeta los límites
En la naturaleza hay colaboración -simbiosis- para responder a las necesidades
de todos en el sistema entero, porque en
la naturaleza sí hay una “mano invisible”
que funciona. Trabajar mano a mano es la
única manera de trabajar. (p.26)
Dado el carácter novedoso de este tipo de cultivos, una caracterización de la granja marina de
ostras en El Jobo resulta de gran interés para
avanzar hacia la comprensión de los aspectos
fundamentales que sostienen el quehacer de esta
organización local. En este sentido, el presente
documento muestra la actividad según dimensión
económica-productiva, social, laboral, necesidades básicas, institucional y algunos elementos
ambientales relevantes. Estas dimensiones son
utilizadas como parámetros para la recolección
de información primaria, lo que permitió la elaboración de una línea base que evidencia el estado
actual de la mencionada granja marina.
El presente documento integra una primera sección que recoge unos breves antecedentes sobre la actividad productiva, que es seguido por
un segmento en el que se plantean los objetivos que orientan el proceso. En tercer lugar, se
presenta los resultados de la línea base para la
granja estudiada. En cuarto lugar, se presentan
las conclusiones para concluir con unas breves
In Costa Rica, the marine farm of the Association of Artisanal Fishermen of El Jobo, La Cruz de Guanacaste is an enterprise dedicated to the cultivation of oysters. This territory of the Pacific Coast is part of the Project "Mariculture as a source of socioeconomic development in the Gulf of Nicoya", which is promoted by the Pacific Marine Park (PMP) and the Marine Park Foundation (FPMP). The same thing that arose in order to raise awareness about the conservation of marine resources in an area with great environmental pressures due to overexploitation resulting from the lack of sources of employment and poverty. A marine farm, insofar as it is mariculture, needs to be developed adequately and ensuring the well-being of the people living in coastal areas: generating employment, income and chains as a motor for the consolidation of this productive activity. But all this, within the framework of what Pauli (2019) points out: Nature has an incredibly efficient business model. In nature there is no waste, no pollution and no unemployment. Nature does not understand “main activity” or “economy of scale”. Nature respects limits In nature there is collaboration -symbiosis- to respond to the needs of everyone in the entire system, because in nature there is an "invisible hand" that works. Working hand in hand is the only way to work. (p.26) Given the novel nature of this type of culture, a characterization of the marine oyster farm in El Jobo is of great interest to move towards understanding the fundamental aspects that support the work of this local organization. In this sense, this document shows the activity according to economic-productive, social, labor dimension, basic needs, institutional and some relevant environmental elements. These dimensions are used as parameters for the collection of primary information, which allowed the elaboration of a baseline that shows the current state of the aforementioned marine farm. This document integrates a first section that includes a brief background on the productive activity, which is followed by a segment in which the objectives that guide the process are stated. Thirdly, the results of the baseline for the studied farm are presented. Fourthly, the conclusions are presented to conclude with some brief recommendations.
In Costa Rica, the marine farm of the Association of Artisanal Fishermen of El Jobo, La Cruz de Guanacaste is an enterprise dedicated to the cultivation of oysters. This territory of the Pacific Coast is part of the Project "Mariculture as a source of socioeconomic development in the Gulf of Nicoya", which is promoted by the Pacific Marine Park (PMP) and the Marine Park Foundation (FPMP). The same thing that arose in order to raise awareness about the conservation of marine resources in an area with great environmental pressures due to overexploitation resulting from the lack of sources of employment and poverty. A marine farm, insofar as it is mariculture, needs to be developed adequately and ensuring the well-being of the people living in coastal areas: generating employment, income and chains as a motor for the consolidation of this productive activity. But all this, within the framework of what Pauli (2019) points out: Nature has an incredibly efficient business model. In nature there is no waste, no pollution and no unemployment. Nature does not understand “main activity” or “economy of scale”. Nature respects limits In nature there is collaboration -symbiosis- to respond to the needs of everyone in the entire system, because in nature there is an "invisible hand" that works. Working hand in hand is the only way to work. (p.26) Given the novel nature of this type of culture, a characterization of the marine oyster farm in El Jobo is of great interest to move towards understanding the fundamental aspects that support the work of this local organization. In this sense, this document shows the activity according to economic-productive, social, labor dimension, basic needs, institutional and some relevant environmental elements. These dimensions are used as parameters for the collection of primary information, which allowed the elaboration of a baseline that shows the current state of the aforementioned marine farm. This document integrates a first section that includes a brief background on the productive activity, which is followed by a segment in which the objectives that guide the process are stated. Thirdly, the results of the baseline for the studied farm are presented. Fourthly, the conclusions are presented to conclude with some brief recommendations.
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