¿Por qué cayó el ahorro de los costarricenses?
Segura-Bonilla, Olman
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Durante la pandemia covid-19, y cuando
se cerró prácticamente toda la economía,
los ahorros de las personas aumentaron
considerablemente, pues en vez de salir
a gastar e invertir, como se haría en una
situación normal, todos debimos cuidar
la salud y más bien ahorrar el dinero para
el futuro e incluso por si teníamos que
invertir en salud personal o familiar.
Conforme se fue abriendo la economía,
a finales del 2021 y mucho más en este año
2022, la tendencia del ahorro ha sido la
contraria. La tasa de ahorro se desaceleró
y si se mide de forma interanual 2021-
2022, más bien es negativa.
During the covid-19 pandemic, and when virtually the entire economy shut down people's savings increased considerably, because instead of leaving to spend and invest, as one would in a normal situation, we all had to take care health and rather save money for the future and even in case we had to invest in personal or family health. As the economy opened up, at the end of 2021 and much more this year 2022, the saving trend has been the contrary. Savings rate slowed and if measured year-on-year 2021- 2022, rather it is negative.
During the covid-19 pandemic, and when virtually the entire economy shut down people's savings increased considerably, because instead of leaving to spend and invest, as one would in a normal situation, we all had to take care health and rather save money for the future and even in case we had to invest in personal or family health. As the economy opened up, at the end of 2021 and much more this year 2022, the saving trend has been the contrary. Savings rate slowed and if measured year-on-year 2021- 2022, rather it is negative.
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