Tabla de volumen comercial para teca clonal en diferentes índices de sitio en la Zona Norte de Costa Rica
Barrantes Madrigal, Katherine Vanessa
Murillo Cruz, Rafael
Ávila Arias, Carlos
Fonseca González, William
Barquero Elizondo, Ana
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Es necesario cuantificar y predecir con confiabilidad el volumen de madera para facilitar la gestión de la producción forestal. El artículo tiene como objetivo elaborar tablas de volumen comercial a partir de la selección de modelos matemáticos en distintas calidades de sitio, para plantaciones clonales de Tectona grandis L.f. Se evaluaron 3 calidades de sitio, según el índice de sitio (IS) 27, 24 y 21, respectivamente. A 266 árboles en pie (119 árboles para el IS27, 119 para el IS24 y 28 para el IS21) se les midió el diámetro al tocón y a 1.3 m sobre el nivel del suelo. Posteriormente, cada 1.5 m, hasta completar la altura total. El volumen del árbol se obtuvo mediante la sumatoria de cada sección cubicada con la fórmula de Smalian. Para cada índice de sitio, se ajustaron modelos por el método de mínimos cuadrados ordinarios con el paquete estadístico Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Se verificó el cumplimiento de los supuestos de autocorrelación de los residuos mediante la prueba de Durbin-Watson. La selección del modelo se hizo a partir de la sumatoria basada en la normalización de los parámetros estadísticos evaluados. Se obtuvieron como resultados que, los modelos seleccionados tuvieron buenos ajustes (R2≥ 94 %), bajos errores de estimación (≤ 3 %), muy prácticos por usar solo el diámetro normal (DAP) como variable predictora. Se logra concluir que junto con la tabla de volumen comercial construida, los modelos son una herramienta útil para cuantificar, de forma rápida y precisa, el volumen comercial con corteza de teca clonal hasta 15 cm de diámetro mínimo.
It is necessary to reliably quantify and predict timber volume to facilitate forest production management. The objective of this article is to elaborate tables of commercial volume from the selection of mathematical models in different site qualities for clonal plantations of Tectona grandis L.f. Three site qualities were evaluated, according to site index (SI) 27, 24 and 21, respectively. A total of 266 standing trees (119 trees for IS27, 119 for IS24 and 28 for IS21) had their diameter measured at the stump and at 1.3 m above ground level. Subsequently, every 1.5 m, until the total height was completed. Tree volume was obtained by summing each cubed section using the Smalian formula. For each site index, models were adjusted by the ordinary least squares method with the statistical package Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Compliance with the assumptions of autocorrelation of the residuals was verified using the Durbin-Watson test. The selection of the model was made from the summation based on the normalization of the statistical parameters evaluated. As results were obtained that, the selected models had good fits (R2≥ 94 %), low estimation errors (≤ 3 %), very practical for using only the normal diameter (DBH) as predictor variable. It can be concluded that together with the commercial volume table constructed, the models are a useful tool to quantify, quickly and accurately, the commercial volume with clonal teak bark up to 15 cm minimum diameter.
It is necessary to reliably quantify and predict timber volume to facilitate forest production management. The objective of this article is to elaborate tables of commercial volume from the selection of mathematical models in different site qualities for clonal plantations of Tectona grandis L.f. Three site qualities were evaluated, according to site index (SI) 27, 24 and 21, respectively. A total of 266 standing trees (119 trees for IS27, 119 for IS24 and 28 for IS21) had their diameter measured at the stump and at 1.3 m above ground level. Subsequently, every 1.5 m, until the total height was completed. Tree volume was obtained by summing each cubed section using the Smalian formula. For each site index, models were adjusted by the ordinary least squares method with the statistical package Statgraphics Centurion XVI. Compliance with the assumptions of autocorrelation of the residuals was verified using the Durbin-Watson test. The selection of the model was made from the summation based on the normalization of the statistical parameters evaluated. As results were obtained that, the selected models had good fits (R2≥ 94 %), low estimation errors (≤ 3 %), very practical for using only the normal diameter (DBH) as predictor variable. It can be concluded that together with the commercial volume table constructed, the models are a useful tool to quantify, quickly and accurately, the commercial volume with clonal teak bark up to 15 cm minimum diameter.
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