Repensando las formas de resolver conflictos : propuestas de adolescentes
Cerdas Agüero , Evelyn
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Es necesario reconocer la importancia de los estudios sobre la paz con adolescentes escolarizados y no escolarizados que permitan darles un espacio de participación donde tengan voz y puedan establecer sus propuestas para construir la paz, así como para compartir las posibilidades desde sus contextos para resolver los conflictos de forma pacífica. De tal forma, este trabajo busca compartir los resultados de una investigación en los que se analizan las actitudes y opiniones hacia la paz que acompañan las prácticas de un grupo de adolescentes en la solución de conflictos cotidianos, el propósito específico es visibilizar sus propuestas para la solución de conflictos cotidianos. El enfoque del estudio fue cualitativo y el método fenomenológico, se utilizaron como técnicas la entrevista en profundidad y la escala Likert. Se trabajó con un grupo de 10 adolescentes escolarizados en secundaria y 10 no escolarizados, con edades entre 15 y 17 años de la provincia de San José, Costa Rica. Los principales hallazgos del estudio permiten comprender que relacionan la paz con la ausencia de conflictos, las propuestas hacia la paz se vinculan con la comunicación, el diálogo, el respeto, el perdón, la mediación y la expresión de emociones.
It is necessary to recognize the importance of peace studies with school and out-of-school adolescents that allow them a space for participation where they have a voice and can establish their proposals to build peace, as well as to share the possibilities from their contexts to resolve conflicts peacefully. Thus, this paper seeks to share the results of a research in which the attitudes and opinions towards peace that accompany the practices of a group of adolescents in the solution of everyday conflicts are analyzed; the specific purpose is to make visible their proposals for the solution of everyday conflicts. The approach of the study was qualitative and the method was phenomenological, using in-depth interviews and the Likert scale as techniques. We worked with a group of 10 adolescents in high school and 10 not in school, aged between 15 and 17 years, from the province of San José, Costa Rica. The main findings of the study allow us to understand that they relate peace with the absence of conflicts, the proposals towards peace are linked to communication, dialogue, respect, forgiveness, mediation and the expression of emotions.
It is necessary to recognize the importance of peace studies with school and out-of-school adolescents that allow them a space for participation where they have a voice and can establish their proposals to build peace, as well as to share the possibilities from their contexts to resolve conflicts peacefully. Thus, this paper seeks to share the results of a research in which the attitudes and opinions towards peace that accompany the practices of a group of adolescents in the solution of everyday conflicts are analyzed; the specific purpose is to make visible their proposals for the solution of everyday conflicts. The approach of the study was qualitative and the method was phenomenological, using in-depth interviews and the Likert scale as techniques. We worked with a group of 10 adolescents in high school and 10 not in school, aged between 15 and 17 years, from the province of San José, Costa Rica. The main findings of the study allow us to understand that they relate peace with the absence of conflicts, the proposals towards peace are linked to communication, dialogue, respect, forgiveness, mediation and the expression of emotions.
Ponencia presentada en: X Coloquio de la Red Latinoamericana y Caribeña de Educación en derechos humanos " La educación en derechos humanos en las luchas sociales y la construcción pedagógica de cultura de paz en América Latina y el Caribe".
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