Pn-wave observations in Costa Rica
Quintero, Ronnie
Kulhánek, Ota
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Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
Tiempos de arribos, medidos en la Red Sismográfica de Costa Rica, fueron empleados para extraer información sobre la corteza y el manto por debajo de Costa Rica. Datos de tiempos de arribo de la onda P y S de 100 sismos locales y regionales ocurridos durante el período 1984-1990 fueron usados para obtener la velocidad Pn, la razón de Poisson, la anisotropía de la velocidad Pn y la correción de las estaciones. La razón de Poisson para la capa superior del manto por debajo de Costa Rica es 0.265 y la velocidad de Pn encontrada es de 7.81 km/sec. La presente investigación no muestra variaciones anisotrópicas significantes para la onda Pn. La profundidad del Moho se calcula en 34 km, aproximadamente.
P- and S-wave arrival-time data from 100 local and regional earthquakes recorded by the OVSICORI-UNA Costa Rica seismographic network, between 1984 to1990, are employed to extract crustal and upper mantle information beneath Costa Rica. Pn-wave velocity, Poisson’s ratio, velocity anisotropy and station corrections were calculated in this study. Poisson’s ratio for the uppermost mantle beneath Costa Rica is 0.265 and the Pn velocity is 7.81 km/sec. The present study does not reveal any significant Pn velocity anisotropy. The computed Moho depth beneath Costa Rica is approximately 34 km.
P- and S-wave arrival-time data from 100 local and regional earthquakes recorded by the OVSICORI-UNA Costa Rica seismographic network, between 1984 to1990, are employed to extract crustal and upper mantle information beneath Costa Rica. Pn-wave velocity, Poisson’s ratio, velocity anisotropy and station corrections were calculated in this study. Poisson’s ratio for the uppermost mantle beneath Costa Rica is 0.265 and the Pn velocity is 7.81 km/sec. The present study does not reveal any significant Pn velocity anisotropy. The computed Moho depth beneath Costa Rica is approximately 34 km.
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