Parametrización de modelo hidrológico para el acuífero costero Huacas Tamarindo, Santa Cruz Guanacaste, Costa Rica
Gómez-Solís, William-Alonso
Bautista Solis, Pavel
Suarez Serrano, Andrea
Alfaro-Chinchilla, Carolina
Hidalgo, Hugo
Alfaro, Eric
Ramírez, Roberto
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Universidad de Costa Rica (Costa Rica)
de los principales elementos para el progreso de
una región es el recurso hídrico, ya que es el servicio
ecosistémico base para el desarrollo de la vida y las
actividades socioeconómicas Dentro de los
principales retos en la gestión hídrica
latinoamericana se encuentra la escasa información
disponible para facilitar la toma de decisiones
Aunque hay grandes avances sobre las tendencias o
los posibles escenarios de cambio climático y sus
impactos, estos todavía no se traducen en
instrumentos para garantizar el abastecimiento del
recurso hídrico a toda la población en general
Aunado a esto, el constante incremento de las
actividades económicas y el crecimiento demográfico
en las últimas décadas han propiciado el cambio de
uso de la tierra en áreas sensibles para la
disponibilidad del recurso hídrico El propósito de
este trabajo es modelar el comportamiento de la
recarga del acuífero Huacas Tamarindo, por medio de
la modelación hidrológica numérica gestionada con
el software ArcSWAT versión 2012.
One of the main elements for the progress of a region is the water resource, since it is the service ecosystem basis for the development of life and socioeconomic activities within the main challenges in water management Latin America there is little information available to facilitate decision making Although there are great advances regarding trends or possible climate change scenarios and their impacts, these have not yet translated into instruments to guarantee the supply of water resource to the entire population in general In addition to this, the constant increase in economic activities and population growth In recent decades they have led to the change of land use in sensitive areas for availability of water resources The purpose of This work is to model the behavior of the recharge of the Huacas Tamarindo aquifer, through numerical hydrological modeling managed with ArcSWAT software version 2012.
One of the main elements for the progress of a region is the water resource, since it is the service ecosystem basis for the development of life and socioeconomic activities within the main challenges in water management Latin America there is little information available to facilitate decision making Although there are great advances regarding trends or possible climate change scenarios and their impacts, these have not yet translated into instruments to guarantee the supply of water resource to the entire population in general In addition to this, the constant increase in economic activities and population growth In recent decades they have led to the change of land use in sensitive areas for availability of water resources The purpose of This work is to model the behavior of the recharge of the Huacas Tamarindo aquifer, through numerical hydrological modeling managed with ArcSWAT software version 2012.
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