Reflexiones: Desempleo y exclusión social, la hora de actuar
Vargas Alfaro, Leiner
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La Republica
Los resultados de la última encuesta del INEC sobre empleo nos ponen al descubierto tres grandes desafíos país ineludibles en la agenda del desarrollo. El primero, la tasa de desempleo, subempleo y des utilización total del factor trabajo se ha incrementado de forma significativa, afectando de manera frontal a las mujeres, los jóvenes, las regiones periféricas fuera de la gran área metropolitana y con particular énfasis, en aquellos adultos y adultos mayores que no lograron tener acceso a la educación superior. Si no corregirnos con urgencia estas tendencias, vamos de pique y claramente tendremos una mayor conflictividad social, un deterioro sin precedentes de la pobreza y la pobreza extrema y un aumento insospechable en la inseguridad ciudadana. Esta tendencia es suicida como país y nos pone límites a nuestro modelo democrático y de convivencia en paz social.
The results of the latest INEC survey on employment reveal three major unavoidable country challenges on the development agenda. The first, the rate of unemployment, underemployment and total disuse of the labor factor has increased significantly, directly affecting women, young people, peripheral regions outside the large metropolitan area and with particular emphasis on those adults and older adults who were unable to access higher education. If we do not urgently correct these trends, we will go under and we will clearly have greater social unrest, an unprecedented deterioration of poverty and extreme poverty and an unsuspected increase in citizen insecurity. This trend is suicidal as a country and puts limits on our democratic model and of coexistence in social peace.
The results of the latest INEC survey on employment reveal three major unavoidable country challenges on the development agenda. The first, the rate of unemployment, underemployment and total disuse of the labor factor has increased significantly, directly affecting women, young people, peripheral regions outside the large metropolitan area and with particular emphasis on those adults and older adults who were unable to access higher education. If we do not urgently correct these trends, we will go under and we will clearly have greater social unrest, an unprecedented deterioration of poverty and extreme poverty and an unsuspected increase in citizen insecurity. This trend is suicidal as a country and puts limits on our democratic model and of coexistence in social peace.
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