Aplicación de un método para evaluar el impacto ambiental de proyectos de construcción de edificaciones universitarias
mora barrantes, jose carlos
Molina-León, Oscar Mario
Sibaja, José
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La evaluación de impacto ambiental consiste en la identificación y valoración de los impactos potenciales de proyectos respecto a los componentes físicos, químicos y biológicos, culturales, económicos y sociales, con el fin de que mediante la planificación y la correcta toma de decisiones se desarrollen aquellas actuaciones más compatibles con el medio ambiente. El objetivo principal es asegurar que las consideraciones ambientales sean explícitamente expresadas e incluidas en el proceso de toma de decisiones y anticipar y evitar, minimizar y compensar los efectos negativos sobre el medio ambiente. Al proceso de evaluación ambiental de un proyecto se le pueden aplicar diferentes técnicas metodológicas, algunas generales, otras de carácter más específico. En Costa Rica la metodología más común es la elaborada por la Secretaría Técnica Ambiental (SETENA, 2016A). Con el fin de valorar el impacto ambiental de los proyectos de construcción en una universidad, se aplicó el formulario ambiental del SETENA, identificándose la magnitud de los factores, componentes y subcomponentes ambientales significativos de cada uno de ellos (SETENA, 2016B). La investigación permitió obtener y analizar los valores de significancia del impacto ambiental de los proyectos en función de: la cantidad de aspectos ambientales, la aplicación de reglamentos específicos, la ubicación geográfica del proyecto y el uso guías ambientales. Se identificaron los proyectos con mayor o menor cantidad de subcomponentes ambientales significativos, metros cuadrados de construcción, y valores de impacto ambiental preeliminar, ponderado y final. Se analizó la relación existente entre la cantidad de aspectos ambientales significativos de cada proyecto y su influencia en el valor final de significancia ambiental.
Environmental impact assessment refers to the evaluation of the effects likely to arise from a major project (or other action) significantly affecting the natural and man-made environment. It is an analytical process that systematically examines the possible environmental consequences of the implementation of projects, programmes and policies, taking into account inter-related socioeconomic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. Numerous methodologies (tools) have been utilized to meet the various activities required in the conduction of an environmental impact study. The objectives of the various activities differ, as do the usable methods for the accomplishing the activities. There is no standardized methodology of environmental impact assessment. However, a framework of principles to guide strategies, methods and techniques has been more or less recognized by the scientific community and included in legislation and directives in various countries. In Costa Rica the most common environmental impact assessment correspond to the one developed by the SETENA (National Environmental Office). With the main objective to assess the environmental impact of the construction projects at the university, the SETENA methodology was applied. The magnitude of the environmental factors, aspects and components for each project was determined. This research also allowed to obtain and analyze the magnitude of the environmental impact for each project based on: number of environmental aspects, specific environmental policies, geographic location and the application of environmental guides. Projects were identified according to their environmentally significant components, construction sizes and magnitude of the environmental impact. The relationship between the quantity of significant environmental aspects for each project and its final meaning of environmental impact, was analyzed.
Environmental impact assessment refers to the evaluation of the effects likely to arise from a major project (or other action) significantly affecting the natural and man-made environment. It is an analytical process that systematically examines the possible environmental consequences of the implementation of projects, programmes and policies, taking into account inter-related socioeconomic, cultural and human-health impacts, both beneficial and adverse. Numerous methodologies (tools) have been utilized to meet the various activities required in the conduction of an environmental impact study. The objectives of the various activities differ, as do the usable methods for the accomplishing the activities. There is no standardized methodology of environmental impact assessment. However, a framework of principles to guide strategies, methods and techniques has been more or less recognized by the scientific community and included in legislation and directives in various countries. In Costa Rica the most common environmental impact assessment correspond to the one developed by the SETENA (National Environmental Office). With the main objective to assess the environmental impact of the construction projects at the university, the SETENA methodology was applied. The magnitude of the environmental factors, aspects and components for each project was determined. This research also allowed to obtain and analyze the magnitude of the environmental impact for each project based on: number of environmental aspects, specific environmental policies, geographic location and the application of environmental guides. Projects were identified according to their environmentally significant components, construction sizes and magnitude of the environmental impact. The relationship between the quantity of significant environmental aspects for each project and its final meaning of environmental impact, was analyzed.
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