Control banding para desechos: una matriz para la comparación rápida y simple del impacto sobre el ambiente de los desechos que contienen sustancias químicas
Rodríguez Corrales, José Ángel
González Murillo, Alex Horacio
Mora Aparicio, Carmen
Solís Ocampo, Christopher
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
La disminución del efecto contaminante de los desechos sobre los ciudadanos y el ambiente representa un objetivo importante a alcanzar para garantizar una mejor calidad de vida y un desarrollo sostenible. Para atender este problema, se obtuvo un sistema de clasificación de los desechos químicos y un puntaje basado en la cantidad y peligro, utilizando una técnica de control por bandas (“control banding”). A través del desarrollo de una matriz basada en este concepto, se especificaron las entradas para las propiedades químicas y tóxicas de una sustancia con el registro de su MSDS. De este trabajo, se obtuvo una clasificación basada en la cantidad, concentración, toxicidad conocida y efectos (i.e. LD50y las Frases de Riesgo, conocidas como frases R) dentro de una escala fijada para cada punto. Esta herramienta puede ser aplicada a diversas situaciones donde los desechos químicos no pueden ser valorados una vez que son eliminados.
Diminishing the pollutingeffect of wastes upon citizens and the environment represents an important aim to fulfillto guarantee a better life quality and a sustainable development. To address this problem a classification system of any chemical output and a score based in the quantity and danger wasobtained by a control banding technique. By developing a spreadsheet based in this concept, the entries were specified for the chemical and toxic properties of any substance with a MSDS registry. From this work, it was obtained a classification based in the quantity, concentration, known toxicity and effects (i.e. LD50and Risk Phases, known as R phrases) inside a fixed scale for each point. This tool can be applied to several situations where chemical wastes cannot be assessed once they are eliminated.
Diminishing the pollutingeffect of wastes upon citizens and the environment represents an important aim to fulfillto guarantee a better life quality and a sustainable development. To address this problem a classification system of any chemical output and a score based in the quantity and danger wasobtained by a control banding technique. By developing a spreadsheet based in this concept, the entries were specified for the chemical and toxic properties of any substance with a MSDS registry. From this work, it was obtained a classification based in the quantity, concentration, known toxicity and effects (i.e. LD50and Risk Phases, known as R phrases) inside a fixed scale for each point. This tool can be applied to several situations where chemical wastes cannot be assessed once they are eliminated.
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