Calidad del agua de los ríos de la microcuenca IV del Río Virilla
Leandro, Hugo
Coto, Juana María
Salgado, Viviana
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
En la evaluación de la calidad del agua de los cauces de los Ríos Tibás, Lajas, Tranqueras y Tures de la Microcuenca IV del Río Virilla se aplicaron dos índices basados en parámetros físicos, químicos y bacteriológicos con el fin de brindar recomendaciones para la gestión y el uso del recurso hídrico. Los índices aplicados fueron el Índice de Calidad de la Fundación Nacional de Sanidad de los Estados Unidos de América (ICAFNS) y el Índice del Sistema Holandés de Valoración de la Calidad del Agua. Se realizaron tres muestreos: en la época lluviosa en setiembre del 2004, transición lluviosa-seca en diciembre del 2004 y en la época seca en febrero del 2005; en 7 puntos: uno ubicado en el Río Tranqueras, otro en el Río Lajas y cinco en el Río Tibás. También, se determinó cualitativamente la vulnerabilidad de los puntos de muestreo. Se concluyó que en los puntos superiores la contaminación está asociada a la escorrentía superficial y en los inferiores a los efectos de fuentes de contaminación puntuales y no puntuales. Una adecuada gestión de la microcuenca debe incluir acciones de protección y conservación de suelos en los puntos superiores, mientras que en los inferiores se requieren acciones de remediación y posterior protección, particularmente un manejo adecuado de las aguas negras.
In the evaluation of the water quality of Tibás, Lajas, Tranqueras and Tures rivers, located at Virilla River watershed, were applied two quality indices based on physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters, with the purpose of offering recommendations for management and use of water resources. The indices were: the National Sanitation Foundation of the United States of America Quality Index and the Index of the Dutch System of Valuation of the Water Quality.Samples were collected during the rainy period in September of 2004, rainy-dry transition in December of 2004 and dry period in February of 2005 in seven points: one located in the Tranqueras River, another one in the Lajas River and five in the Tibás River. Also, it was determined the vulnerability of the sampling points. It is concluded that at the upper points the pollution is related to surface runoff and at the lower ones, by a combination of point and non point sources of pollution. The management of watersheds must include soil conservation and protection processes at the upper part, whereas at the lower are required remediation and later protection actions, and wastewater managemement.
In the evaluation of the water quality of Tibás, Lajas, Tranqueras and Tures rivers, located at Virilla River watershed, were applied two quality indices based on physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters, with the purpose of offering recommendations for management and use of water resources. The indices were: the National Sanitation Foundation of the United States of America Quality Index and the Index of the Dutch System of Valuation of the Water Quality.Samples were collected during the rainy period in September of 2004, rainy-dry transition in December of 2004 and dry period in February of 2005 in seven points: one located in the Tranqueras River, another one in the Lajas River and five in the Tibás River. Also, it was determined the vulnerability of the sampling points. It is concluded that at the upper points the pollution is related to surface runoff and at the lower ones, by a combination of point and non point sources of pollution. The management of watersheds must include soil conservation and protection processes at the upper part, whereas at the lower are required remediation and later protection actions, and wastewater managemement.
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