Una experiencia de aprendizaje colaborativo que permite generar una propuesta de Modelo Canvas, que fortalezca la Maestría virtual en Administración de Justicia enfoque socio jurídico, énfasis Civil, Penal y Relaciones Familiares para América Latina y el Caribe (MADJ)
Sandoval, María José
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Corporación Universitaria Comfacauca
La presente ponencia tiene como fin diseñar un Modelo Canvas que permita a la Maestría en Administración de Justicia enfoque socio jurídico, énfasis Civil, Penal y Relaciones Familiares (MADJ) fortalecer la sostenibilidad del posgrado. Esto a partir del aprendizaje permite que hoy día en la condición de profesional de administración, me permita tener una mirada administrativa y académica, y por consiguiente plantear una propuesta al posgrado del cual soy funcionaria el día de hoy. Si bien la formación de mi persona no es directamente el derecho o la sociología, cabe señalar que están vinculadas a la Administración de Empresas, ya que los posgrados en la Universidad Nacional son autofinanciados, lo que permite ver más allá de una nueva propuesta académica, focalizando a la sostenibilidad financiera de la misma, por lo que esta vivencia estudiantil genera las condiciones para que como profesional pueda elaborar una propuesta de mejora para dicho posgrado, a través del “Modelo Canvas”; un modelo de negocio, el cual se divide en nueve módulos básicos, permitiendo al posgrado realizar un análisis de negocio, y por consiguiente generar sus propios recursos, de tal forma que le permita desarrollar, visualizar y evaluar oferta, propuesta de valor y viabilidad económica; en otras palabras dicha herramienta permitirá acciones estratégicas de manera dinámica y visuales para un mejor posicionamiento del posgrado en mención.
The purpose of this paper is to design a Canvas Model that allows the Maestría en Administración de Justicia enfoque socio jurídico, énfasis Civil, Penal y Relaciones Familiares (MADJ), to strengthen the sustainability of the postgraduate program. This, based on learning, allows me today, as an administration professional, to have an administrative and academic perspective, and consequently to propose a proposal for the master's degree of which I am an official worker today. Although, my training is not directly law or sociology, it should be noted that they are linked to Business Administration, since the master's degree courses at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica are self-financed, which allows us to see beyond a new academic proposal, focusing on its financial sustainability, so this student experience generates the conditions so that as a professional you can prepare an improvement proposal for the master's degree, through the “Canvas Model”; a business model, which is divided into nine basic modules, allowing the postgraduate to carry out a business analysis, and consequently generate their own resources, in such a way that allows them to develop, visualize and evaluate offer, value proposition and economic viability; in other words, this tool will allow strategic actions in a dynamic and visual way for a better positioning of the postgraduate program in question.
The purpose of this paper is to design a Canvas Model that allows the Maestría en Administración de Justicia enfoque socio jurídico, énfasis Civil, Penal y Relaciones Familiares (MADJ), to strengthen the sustainability of the postgraduate program. This, based on learning, allows me today, as an administration professional, to have an administrative and academic perspective, and consequently to propose a proposal for the master's degree of which I am an official worker today. Although, my training is not directly law or sociology, it should be noted that they are linked to Business Administration, since the master's degree courses at the Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica are self-financed, which allows us to see beyond a new academic proposal, focusing on its financial sustainability, so this student experience generates the conditions so that as a professional you can prepare an improvement proposal for the master's degree, through the “Canvas Model”; a business model, which is divided into nine basic modules, allowing the postgraduate to carry out a business analysis, and consequently generate their own resources, in such a way that allows them to develop, visualize and evaluate offer, value proposition and economic viability; in other words, this tool will allow strategic actions in a dynamic and visual way for a better positioning of the postgraduate program in question.
Maestría en Administración de Justicia, Enfoque Socio-Jurídico
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