Una propuesta de abordaje teórico-metodológico al análisis de la transformación digital sostenible e inclusiva del sector agropecuario en Costa Rica
Rodriguez Soto, Jorge A.
Sáenz Segura, Fernando
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Centro Internacional de Política Económica para el Desarrollo Sostenible
Este cuaderno de trabajo presenta el marco teórico y metodológico que se utilizó para abordar el tema de la digitalización en el sector agropecuario costarricense y que culminó con la elaboración del caso país de Costa Rica, en el marco del proyecto internacional “Digitalización de la agricultura y política pública en América Latina y El Caribe”, promovido por la Red de Políticas Públicas y Desarrollo Rural en América Latina (Red PP-AL). La investigación se plantea dos objetivos finales, que son establecer la contribución de la digitalización del sector agropecuario a la transformación sostenible e inclusiva de los territorios rurales; y, sintetizar elementos de política pública para el escalamiento de esta transformación de manera sostenible e inclusiva. En miras a esto se plantean dos objetivos operativos, primero, sistematizar experiencias en tema de digitalización del sector agropecuario, segundo, analizar el diseño de políticas desde sus instrumentos, para la digitalización del sector agropecuario. Para ello, se desarrolla un diseño de investigación de estudios de caso (Yin, 2003), en el que se utilizan diversas fuentes de información primaria y secundaria, así como el método explicativo de análisis del diseño de políticas públicas. Este cuaderno de trabajo desarrolla y puntualiza en estos métodos, diseño de investigación y teoría empelada para cumplir los objetivos propuestos.
This workbook presents the theoretical and methodological framework used to address the issue of digitalization in the Costa Rican agricultural sector, culminating in the development of the country case of Costa Rica within the framework of the international project "Digitalization of Agriculture and Public Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean," promoted by the Network of Public Policies and Rural Development in Latin America (Red PP-AL). The research has two final objectives: to establish the contribution of digitalization in the agricultural sector to the sustainable and inclusive transformation of rural territories; and to synthesize public policy elements for scaling this transformation in a sustainable and inclusive manner. To this end, two operational objectives are proposed: first, to systematize experiences in digitalization in the agricultural sector; and second, to analyze the design of policies, based on their instruments, for the digitalization of the agricultural sector. To this end, a case study research design (Yin, 2003) is developed, utilizing various primary and secondary sources of information, as well as the explanatory method of analyzing public policy design. This workbook develops and clarifies these methods, research design, and theory employed to achieve the proposed objectives.
This workbook presents the theoretical and methodological framework used to address the issue of digitalization in the Costa Rican agricultural sector, culminating in the development of the country case of Costa Rica within the framework of the international project "Digitalization of Agriculture and Public Policy in Latin America and the Caribbean," promoted by the Network of Public Policies and Rural Development in Latin America (Red PP-AL). The research has two final objectives: to establish the contribution of digitalization in the agricultural sector to the sustainable and inclusive transformation of rural territories; and to synthesize public policy elements for scaling this transformation in a sustainable and inclusive manner. To this end, two operational objectives are proposed: first, to systematize experiences in digitalization in the agricultural sector; and second, to analyze the design of policies, based on their instruments, for the digitalization of the agricultural sector. To this end, a case study research design (Yin, 2003) is developed, utilizing various primary and secondary sources of information, as well as the explanatory method of analyzing public policy design. This workbook develops and clarifies these methods, research design, and theory employed to achieve the proposed objectives.
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