La población costarricense del gran área metropolitana frente a la violencia contra la mujer y la equidad entre los géneros.
Calderón Solano, Odalía
Sandoval Carvajal, Irma
González Calvo, Hugo
Carrillo Delgado, María de los Ángeles
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En esta ocasión se mide la percepción que la población del Gran Area Metropolitana tiene sobre la equidad de género y la violencia contra la mujer. Para la realización de este estudio se contó con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (FNUAP), en ocasión de que el 11 de julio se celebra el Día Mundial de la Población. Para este año la celebración tiene como consigna "Salvar vidas de mujeres" y se busca eliminar la violencia de todo tipo contra la mujer, respetar sus derechos y asegurar que sea ella quien controle su fecundidad, garantizando en forma integral su calidad de vida
On this occasion, the perception that the population of the Gran Área Metropolitana has about gender equality and violence against women is measured. To carry out this study, we had the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), on the occasion of the World Population Day on July 11. For this year the celebration's slogan is "Save women's lives" and it seeks to eliminate violence of all kinds against women, respect their rights and ensure that it is she who controls their fertility, fully guaranteeing their quality of life.
On this occasion, the perception that the population of the Gran Área Metropolitana has about gender equality and violence against women is measured. To carry out this study, we had the support of the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), on the occasion of the World Population Day on July 11. For this year the celebration's slogan is "Save women's lives" and it seeks to eliminate violence of all kinds against women, respect their rights and ensure that it is she who controls their fertility, fully guaranteeing their quality of life.
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