De la presencialidad a la virtualidad: la experiencia de un Programa Universitario para Mayores en Costa Rica
León Fernández, Maribel
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II CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL: LAS UNIVERSIDADES DE LA TERCERA EDAD Y EL POST COVID-19. Asociación Internacional de Universidades de la Tercera Edad (AIUTA).
El Programa de Atención Integral de la Persona Adulta Mayor (PAIPAM), del Centro de Estudios Generales, es un proyecto adscrito a la Vicerrectoría de Extensión de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica. Tiene su génesis en el 2000 como proyecto integrado de docencia, extensión e investigación. En el 2008, por petición de las personas adultas mayores de las comunidades cercanas a dicha Universidad, se ofrece una serie de cursos con las temáticas de interés y necesidad expresadas por ellas. Los cursos son gratuitos y el único requisito es ser mayor de 60 años. Todas las personas facilitadoras de los procesos de aprendizaje son voluntarias y en algunos casos son estudiantes que realizan sus trabajos finales de graduación o trabajo comunal estudiantil. De acuerdo con un estudio realizado, las personas mayores que asisten a estos cursos son en su mayoría mujeres, de baja escolaridad, amas de casa y que han tenido pocas oportunidades de educación en sus vidas. También se puede identificar a personas pensionadas y profesionales en diversas disciplinas. Esta diversidad ha llevado a ir adaptando los cursos a las distintos y emergentes intereses y necesidades. De esta manera, hay cursos muy variados que van desde las manualidades hasta el aprendizaje de idioma, literatura, historia, teología, manejo de dispositivos móviles, cómputo, entre otros. Con la llegada de la pandemia, se hizo necesario cambiar de la modalidad totalmente presencial a la totalmente virtual, lo cual trajo una serie de retos, desafíos y oportunidades de las cuales se dará cuenta en esta ponencia.
The Comprehensive Care Program for the Elderly (PAIPAM), of the General Studies Center, is a project attached to the Extension Vice-Rectory of the National University of Costa Rica. It has its genesis in 2000 as an integrated project of teaching, extension and research. In 2008, at the request of older adults from the communities near said University, a series of courses was offered with topics of interest and need expressed by them. The courses are free and the only requirement is to be over 60 years of age. All the people who facilitate the learning processes are volunteers and in some cases they are students doing their final graduation projects or student community work. According to a study carried out, the elderly who attend these courses are mostly women, with low levels of education, housewives and who have had few educational opportunities in their lives. You can also identify pensioners and professionals in various disciplines. This diversity has led to adapting the courses to different and emerging interests and needs. In this way, there are very varied courses that go from crafts to language learning, literature, history, theology, mobile device management, computing, among others. With the arrival of the pandemic, it became necessary to change from the totally face-to-face modality to the totally virtual one, which brought a series of challenges and opportunities that you will find out about in this presentation.
The Comprehensive Care Program for the Elderly (PAIPAM), of the General Studies Center, is a project attached to the Extension Vice-Rectory of the National University of Costa Rica. It has its genesis in 2000 as an integrated project of teaching, extension and research. In 2008, at the request of older adults from the communities near said University, a series of courses was offered with topics of interest and need expressed by them. The courses are free and the only requirement is to be over 60 years of age. All the people who facilitate the learning processes are volunteers and in some cases they are students doing their final graduation projects or student community work. According to a study carried out, the elderly who attend these courses are mostly women, with low levels of education, housewives and who have had few educational opportunities in their lives. You can also identify pensioners and professionals in various disciplines. This diversity has led to adapting the courses to different and emerging interests and needs. In this way, there are very varied courses that go from crafts to language learning, literature, history, theology, mobile device management, computing, among others. With the arrival of the pandemic, it became necessary to change from the totally face-to-face modality to the totally virtual one, which brought a series of challenges and opportunities that you will find out about in this presentation.
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