Chinchilla Coto, José Carlos
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Oficina de Comunicación, Universidad Nacional
Sin silencios debemos decir… como
sociedad estamos en una situación
compleja y riesgosa, ante las debilidades
del gobierno, la clase política y los
partidos representados en la Asamblea
Legislativa. Este enflaquecimiento del
poder político hace que otros sectores,
que en el pasado guardaban algún
distanciamiento de la exposición
política, hoy deciden no solo participar
abiertamente, sino condicionar que
cualquier negociación debe darse bajo
la sombra del poder económico o de
intereses corporativos y gremiales. Es
decir, estamos en un momento donde
algunos no resisten la tentación de
demostrar todo sus “plumajes” y exigir
cuotas de poder para crear asimetrías
frente a otros sectores; tal es el caso de
la Ucaep en la coyuntura actual. Pero no
solo este grupo de empresarios, existen
otros más cautos y conocedores de los
tejidos del poder que logran también sus
objetivos sin tanta exposición mediática.
Without silences we must say ... as society we are in a situation complex and risky, given the weaknesses of the government, the political class and the parties represented in the Assembly Legislative. This thinning of the political power makes other sectors, that in the past they kept some exposure distancing politics, today they decide not only to participate openly, but condition that any negotiation must be under the shadow of economic power or corporate and union interests. It is say, we are in a moment where some do not resist the temptation to show all their "plumage" and demand power quotas to create asymmetries compared to other sectors; such is the case of the Ucaep in the current conjuncture. But no only this group of entrepreneurs, exist others more cautious and knowledgeable about tissues of power that also achieve their objectives without so much media exposure.
Without silences we must say ... as society we are in a situation complex and risky, given the weaknesses of the government, the political class and the parties represented in the Assembly Legislative. This thinning of the political power makes other sectors, that in the past they kept some exposure distancing politics, today they decide not only to participate openly, but condition that any negotiation must be under the shadow of economic power or corporate and union interests. It is say, we are in a moment where some do not resist the temptation to show all their "plumage" and demand power quotas to create asymmetries compared to other sectors; such is the case of the Ucaep in the current conjuncture. But no only this group of entrepreneurs, exist others more cautious and knowledgeable about tissues of power that also achieve their objectives without so much media exposure.
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