Aspectos conceptuales y metodológicos para la construcción de un Índice de Ciudades Inteligentes y Sostenibles
Segura-Bonilla, Olman
Hernández Milian, Jairo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Para la construcción de un índice de Ciudades Inteligentes y Sostenibles (CIS) se requiere la comprensión teórica de los componentes del concepto y metodológica de cómo concretarlo en la práctica. Aunque a simple vista los términos ciudad, inteligente y sostenible parecen sencillos de interpretar, contienen una serie de detalles teóricos que dificultan la forma de interpretar y luego delimitar la medición de sus componentes. Este documento aborda el concepto y los criterios que se utilizaron para la selección de las ciudades objeto de investigación, para luego definir los lineamientos para la construcción del índice enumerando las diferentes dimensiones, variables e indicadores.
La explicación sobre la toma la decisión para la escogencia de ocho dimensiones, seis variables para cada dimensión y una serie de indicadores para cada variable son el componente metodológico del documento. Se detalla en qué consiste la técnica de grupos focales y cómo guiaron el proceso de toma de decisión y medición del índice CIS. Se explica cómo se seleccionan cada una de las dimensiones y se especifican con amplitud cada una de sus respectivas variables e indicadores.
En síntesis, este articulo explica los detalles complejos de la construcción de un índice. En este caso se aplica a ciudades inteligentes y sostenibles, donde se deben considerar múltiples criterios de selección, cuantitativos y cualitativos, además de múltiples dimensiones que en conjunto logran calificar el grado de inteligencia y sostenibilidad de las ciudades. Como documento conceptual metodológico podría eventualmente utilizarse como marco de referencia para la construcción de otros índices.
For the construction of an index of Smart and Sustainable Cities (CIS), a theoretical understanding of the components of the concept and a methodological understanding of how to specify it in practice is required. Although at first glance the terms city, smart and sustainable seem easy to interpret, they contain a series of theoretical details that make it difficult to interpret and then define the measurement of its components. This document addresses the concept and the criteria that were used for the selection of the cities under investigation, to then define the guidelines for the construction of the index, listing the different dimensions, variables, and indicators. The explanation about the decision making for the choice of eight dimensions, six variables for each dimension and a series of indicators for each variable are the methodological component of the document. It details what the focus group technique consists of and how they guided the decision-making process and measurement of the CIS index. Each of the selected dimensions and their respective variables and indicators are fully explained, and as all these elements make up a set of multiple dimensions that manages to qualify the degree of intelligence and sustainability of cities. In short, this article explains the complex details of building an index. In this case, it is applied to smart and sustainable cities, where multiple selection criteria, quantitative and qualitative, must be considered, in addition to multiple dimensions that together manage to qualify the degree of intelligence and sustainability of the cities. As a methodological conceptual document, it could eventually be used as a frame of reference for the construction of other indices.
For the construction of an index of Smart and Sustainable Cities (CIS), a theoretical understanding of the components of the concept and a methodological understanding of how to specify it in practice is required. Although at first glance the terms city, smart and sustainable seem easy to interpret, they contain a series of theoretical details that make it difficult to interpret and then define the measurement of its components. This document addresses the concept and the criteria that were used for the selection of the cities under investigation, to then define the guidelines for the construction of the index, listing the different dimensions, variables, and indicators. The explanation about the decision making for the choice of eight dimensions, six variables for each dimension and a series of indicators for each variable are the methodological component of the document. It details what the focus group technique consists of and how they guided the decision-making process and measurement of the CIS index. Each of the selected dimensions and their respective variables and indicators are fully explained, and as all these elements make up a set of multiple dimensions that manages to qualify the degree of intelligence and sustainability of cities. In short, this article explains the complex details of building an index. In this case, it is applied to smart and sustainable cities, where multiple selection criteria, quantitative and qualitative, must be considered, in addition to multiple dimensions that together manage to qualify the degree of intelligence and sustainability of the cities. As a methodological conceptual document, it could eventually be used as a frame of reference for the construction of other indices.
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