Investigan resistencia a desparasitantes en ovinos
Núñez, Johnny
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Las malas prácticas en las fincas de pastoreo en cuanto al uso y manejo de los desparasitantes en ovejas ha provocado que el abordaje de la parasitosis sea un problema
en el ámbito mundial. Por esa razón, la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad Nacional (EMV-UNA), mediante recursos
del Fondo Institucional de Desarrollo Académico (Fida), ejecuta la investigación: “De-
terminación de la prevalencia de resistencia
a benzomidazoles, lactonas macrocíclicas e imidazotiazoles de nematodos gastrointestinales de ovinos de carne de Costa Rica”
Dicha investigación, a cargo de la tesiaria de sexto año de carrera, Isabel Castro,
inició en el 2017 y se extenderá hasta el
2019. Además, el equipo de investigadores
lo integran los veterinarios de la EMV Natalia Soto, especialista en ovinos, y Víctor
Montenegro, parasitólogo, y Bernardo Vargas, genetista.
Bad practices in grazing farms regarding the use and management of dewormers in sheep has made the approach to parasitosis a worldwide problem. For this reason, the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University (EMV-UNA), through resources from the Institutional Fund for Academic Development (Fida), is carrying out the research: "Determination of the prevalence of resistance to benzomidazoles, macrocyclic lactones and imidazothiazoles of gastrointestinal nematodes in Costa Rican meat sheep" This research, conducted by the sixth year thesis student, Isabel Castro, began in 2017 and will last until 2019. In addition, the research team is made up of EMV veterinarians Natalia Soto, sheep specialist, Victor Montenegro, parasitologist, and Bernardo Vargas, geneticist.
Bad practices in grazing farms regarding the use and management of dewormers in sheep has made the approach to parasitosis a worldwide problem. For this reason, the School of Veterinary Medicine of the National University (EMV-UNA), through resources from the Institutional Fund for Academic Development (Fida), is carrying out the research: "Determination of the prevalence of resistance to benzomidazoles, macrocyclic lactones and imidazothiazoles of gastrointestinal nematodes in Costa Rican meat sheep" This research, conducted by the sixth year thesis student, Isabel Castro, began in 2017 and will last until 2019. In addition, the research team is made up of EMV veterinarians Natalia Soto, sheep specialist, Victor Montenegro, parasitologist, and Bernardo Vargas, geneticist.
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