La reconversión industrial como mecanismo de industrialización desde adentro: principales lecciones de un caso funcional
Arias Cordero, Francisco
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Durante más de una década los temas de la apertura comercial y la reconversión industrial han estado en las agendas de la mayoría de gobiernos y empresarios latinoamericanos. Han sido muchos los economistas y expertos que han opinado al respecto, son muchos los diagnósticos y las metodologías desarrolladas para su estudio, diversas son las recomendaciones que se han dado para reconvertir las empresas de economías abiertas y pequeñas, como la costarricense, pero son pocos los gobiernos y pocas las empresas que han desarrollado en la práctica procesos de reconversión industrial funcionales. Reconociendo lo anterior, el presente artículo busca en lo fundamental, analizar desde una perspectiva integral los principales disparadores de modernización de la Compañía líder de la Industria Avícola Costarricense, a saber, la Corporación Pipasa S.A., sobre la base de la investigación de tesis que realizara el autor. La experiencia se ubicó en el período 1990-1994, bajo un contexto que tiene como ejes el entorno económico y el sectorial, adaptando para el estudio de caso, la metodología la Cadena del Valor, desarrollada por Michael Porter, la cual se conceptualiza como una forma sistemática de examinar todas las actividades que una empresa desempeña y cómo interactúan, útil para ordenar las acciones de reconversión industrial que conllevan a la obtención de ventajas competitivas. Del estudio de caso serán analizados los principales resultados obtenidos a manera de lecciones sobre aspectos que deberían promoverse dentro de la estrategia de industrialización desde adentro.
For more than a decade, the issues of trade liberalization and industrial reconversion have been on the agendas of most Latin American governments and businessmen. There have been many economists and experts who have given their opinion in this regard, there are many diagnoses and methodologies developed for their study, various are the recommendations that have been given to reconvert companies from open and small economies, such as the Costa Rican, but they are few governments and few companies that have developed functional industrial conversion processes in practice. Recognizing the above, this article seeks fundamentally to analyze from a comprehensive perspective the main modernization triggers of the leading company of the Costa Rican Poultry Industry, namely the Corporación Pipasa S.A., based on the thesis research that it will carry out the author. The experience was located in the period 1990-1994, under a context that has as its axes the economic environment and the sector, adapting for the case study, the Value Chain methodology, developed by Michael Porter, which is conceptualized as a systematic way of examining all the activities that a company performs and how they interact, useful for ordering the industrial reconversion actions that lead to obtaining competitive advantages. The main results obtained will be analyzed from the case study as lessons on aspects that should be promoted within the industrialization strategy from within.
For more than a decade, the issues of trade liberalization and industrial reconversion have been on the agendas of most Latin American governments and businessmen. There have been many economists and experts who have given their opinion in this regard, there are many diagnoses and methodologies developed for their study, various are the recommendations that have been given to reconvert companies from open and small economies, such as the Costa Rican, but they are few governments and few companies that have developed functional industrial conversion processes in practice. Recognizing the above, this article seeks fundamentally to analyze from a comprehensive perspective the main modernization triggers of the leading company of the Costa Rican Poultry Industry, namely the Corporación Pipasa S.A., based on the thesis research that it will carry out the author. The experience was located in the period 1990-1994, under a context that has as its axes the economic environment and the sector, adapting for the case study, the Value Chain methodology, developed by Michael Porter, which is conceptualized as a systematic way of examining all the activities that a company performs and how they interact, useful for ordering the industrial reconversion actions that lead to obtaining competitive advantages. The main results obtained will be analyzed from the case study as lessons on aspects that should be promoted within the industrialization strategy from within.
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