Fortalecer la territorialidad en las comunidades
Hernández López, María Gabriela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Este artículo reflexiona sobre los territorios como
construcciones sociales producto de las relaciones de poder entre
grupos en constante tensión, las cuales configuran los espacios y
las temporalidades dando lugar a nuevas simbologías y geografías.
Se parte de que la Universidad Nacional ha construido, desde su
propia territorialidad (campus), una lógica de regionalización, como
proceso histórico, social y político, para administrar los recursos y
ejercer su autonomía. Este imaginario histórico-social ha servido
de marco a las acciones de extensión, mismo que ha respondido a
una lógica del modelo “nacional” de “desarrollo”, el cual, al día de
hoy, se ha visto influenciado por otros procesos recurrentes, como
la globalización neoliberal, que ha incrementado la desigualdades
territoriales ya existentes. Esto motiva a la autora a proponer
algunas políticas que promuevan la equidad territorial en una
relación recíproca entre universidad y comunidades, que responda a
procesos planificados y continuos desde la extensión universitaria.
This article reflects on the territories as social constructions that are a product of the power relations between groups in constant tension; these constructions configure spaces and temporalities giving place to new symbols and geographies. It is assumed that the National University of Costa Rica has constructed, from its territoriality (the campus), a logic of regionalization as a historical, social, and political process to manage the resources and exercise its autonomy. This historical and social imaginary has been used as a framework for university extension actions; the framework has also responded to a logic of the national model of development that has been influenced by other processes. Currently, the neoliberal globalization is one of these processes that has increased the territorial inequalities already existing. This situation motivates the author to propose some policies that promote the territorial equality in a reciprocal relationship between the university and communities to respond to planned and continuous processes from the university extension activities.
This article reflects on the territories as social constructions that are a product of the power relations between groups in constant tension; these constructions configure spaces and temporalities giving place to new symbols and geographies. It is assumed that the National University of Costa Rica has constructed, from its territoriality (the campus), a logic of regionalization as a historical, social, and political process to manage the resources and exercise its autonomy. This historical and social imaginary has been used as a framework for university extension actions; the framework has also responded to a logic of the national model of development that has been influenced by other processes. Currently, the neoliberal globalization is one of these processes that has increased the territorial inequalities already existing. This situation motivates the author to propose some policies that promote the territorial equality in a reciprocal relationship between the university and communities to respond to planned and continuous processes from the university extension activities.
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