Aportes de las universidades públicas en torno al hostigamiento sexual en Costa Rica
Fernández Carvajal, Doris
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Desde el Instituto de Estudios de la Mujer de la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica, se está realizando una investigación denominada “Debates sobre salud sexual y salud reproductiva en Costa Rica” (código 0056-18). Uno de los temas de debate en los últimos cincuenta años es el hostigamiento sexual, el cual ha generado un interés investigativo en las universida-des públicas del país a través de diversos trabajos. Para la elaboración de este artículo se revisó un total de 23 trabajos, la mayor parte eran tesis de licenciatura y de maestría. El artículo presenta una descripción de los resultados de esas investigaciones. Estos trabajos han aportado al conocimiento de una problemática social muy arraigada en nuestra socie-dad. De igual manera, han generado una conciencia crítica sobre este tipo de violencia y, a la vez, han contribuido a impulsar acciones para desestimular y sancionar estas prácticas indeseadas en los ámbitos de estudio y trabajo.
The Women Studies Institute of the National University of Costa Rica is carrying out a study called “Debates on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Costa Rica” (code 0056-18). Sexual harassment has been one of the topics that has stir a lot of debate in the last fifty years and it has generated research interest within the country’s public universities through various theses and dissertations. For the preparation of this article, a total of 23 works were reviewed, most of them were undergraduate and master’s thesis. The article presents a description of the results of these investigations. These works have contributed to the knowledge of a deeply rooted social problem in our society. In the same way, they have generated a critical awareness about this type of violence, while they have contributed to promoting actions to discourage and punish these unwanted practices in workplaces and in learning environments
The Women Studies Institute of the National University of Costa Rica is carrying out a study called “Debates on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Costa Rica” (code 0056-18). Sexual harassment has been one of the topics that has stir a lot of debate in the last fifty years and it has generated research interest within the country’s public universities through various theses and dissertations. For the preparation of this article, a total of 23 works were reviewed, most of them were undergraduate and master’s thesis. The article presents a description of the results of these investigations. These works have contributed to the knowledge of a deeply rooted social problem in our society. In the same way, they have generated a critical awareness about this type of violence, while they have contributed to promoting actions to discourage and punish these unwanted practices in workplaces and in learning environments
Revista de Ciencias Sociales, Universidad de Costa Rica, vol. 4 No. 170 101-115 2020
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