Distribución geográfica y evaluación del hábitat de la gallina de montaña (dendrortyx Leucophrys) en Guatemala
Quiñónez Guzmán, Juan Miguel
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica). Instituto internacional en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre
La gallina de montaña (Dendrortyx leucophrys) es un ave endémica a Mesoamérica de la
familia Odontophoridae. Se sabe que está distribuida desde Chiapas (México) a Costa Rica,
sin embargo, el mapa de distribución conocido fue realizado a partir de polígonos de
distribución a “mano alzada”, establecidos según registros de presencia de la especie,
revisión de literatura y a discreción de expertos. Por tanto, no refleja a detalle el área,
localidades, ni variables determinantes en la distribución de la especie. Por otro lado,
aspectos de historia natural como las preferencias de hábitat de la gallina de montaña, son
poco conocidos ya que es una especie elusiva, por lo que se ignoran características
ecológicas básicas. Esto impide generar lineamientos de manejo, a pesar de ser una especie
sujeta a presión por cacería. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar aspectos biogeográficos
y ecológicos de la gallina de montaña en su ámbito de distribución. A partir de registros
georeferenciados de la especie y de información bioclimática, se generaron modelos de
distribución. En la escala biogeográfica, la altitud fue la variable más importante para explicar
la distribución de la especie seguido por dos variables asociadas a la temperatura
(temperatura máxima del mes más caliente y temperatura media anual). Se estimó que el
área de distribución de la gallina de montaña es de 10.845 km², de los cuales 42,68% se
encuentran dentro de áreas protegidas. A escala local, se evaluó la selección de hábitat de
la gallina de montaña, para lo cual se establecieron 45 puntos de conteo de radio fijo (r=
50m) en cuatro bosques del departamento de Guatemala, en los cuales se registró la
presencia/ausencia de la especie. Se ajustaron modelos de regresión logística con los datos
de presencia y variables de hábitat (número de árboles, DAP, altura y cobertura del dosel,
altura y cobertura de hierbas, humedad y temperatura ambiental y del sustrato). Se encontró
que la selección de unidades de recurso por la gallina de montaña está relacionada
negativamente con el número de árboles y con la cobertura del dosel y positivamente con la
cobertura de hierbas. En conclusión, la gallina de montaña tiene una distribución
relativamente pequeña, discreta y limitada por la altitud y la temperatura y, aunque se
registró mayormente en zonas de ecotonos o bordes, necesita la presencia de bosque. Con
base en su estrecha distribución geográfica y en que no se tienen datos sobre números
poblacionales, se recomienda re-categorizar a la especie en cuanto a su estado de
conservación, de “menor importancia” a “deficiente de datos”. Además, se recomienda
evaluar si existe cacería furtiva y el impacto que puede tener para las poblaciones de esta
especie. También se recomienda generar información específicamente sobre aspectos
demográficos, función ecológica y filogeografía de la especie.
The Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge (Dendrortyx leucophrys) is an endemic mesoamerican bird of the Odontophoridae family. It is distributed from Chiapas (Mexico) to Costa Rica, but distribution map was made from “hand free” polygons of distribution, stablished with presence records of the species, reviewing of literature and expert criteria. For these reasons, it does not reflect details about areas, locations, nor determinant variables in the distribution of this species. On the other hand, aspects about natural history as habitat preferences of the Buffycrowned Wood Partridge are little know because it is considered an elusive species, so basic ecological aspects are ignored. This does not permit to generate management guidelines, although it is a species with hunting pressure. The goal of this research was to analyze biogeographic and ecological aspects of the Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge in its geographical distribution range. At biogeographic scale, the altitude was the most important variable followed by two other variables related to temperature (Maximum temperature of the hottest month and Mean annual temperature). The area of distribution of the species was estimated in 10.845 km², of which 42,68% are on protected areas. To local scale, habitat selection of Buffy-crowned Wood partridge was evaluated, for which It was stablished fixed ratio pointing counts (r=50m) in four forest of Guatemala department, where registered presence/absence of the species was done. Logistic regression models with presence data and habitat variables (number of trees, DBH, height and coverture of the canopy, height and coverture of herbs, humidity and temperature of environment and substrate temperature) was adjusted. Selection of resource units by the Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge was related negatively with the number of trees and with canopy coverture and it was related positively with herbs coverture. In conclusion, the Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge has a relative small and discrete distribution, limited by altitude and temperature and although it was registered specially in ecotones or forest edges areas, it still needs the presence of forest. It is recommended to re-categorize conservation status of this species, from Least Concern to Data Deficient, based on its narrow geographic distribution and the lack of population numerical data. Furthermore, it is recommended to evaluate the impact of poaching in this species populations and to generate information specifically about demographic topics, ecological function of the species and phyllogeography.
The Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge (Dendrortyx leucophrys) is an endemic mesoamerican bird of the Odontophoridae family. It is distributed from Chiapas (Mexico) to Costa Rica, but distribution map was made from “hand free” polygons of distribution, stablished with presence records of the species, reviewing of literature and expert criteria. For these reasons, it does not reflect details about areas, locations, nor determinant variables in the distribution of this species. On the other hand, aspects about natural history as habitat preferences of the Buffycrowned Wood Partridge are little know because it is considered an elusive species, so basic ecological aspects are ignored. This does not permit to generate management guidelines, although it is a species with hunting pressure. The goal of this research was to analyze biogeographic and ecological aspects of the Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge in its geographical distribution range. At biogeographic scale, the altitude was the most important variable followed by two other variables related to temperature (Maximum temperature of the hottest month and Mean annual temperature). The area of distribution of the species was estimated in 10.845 km², of which 42,68% are on protected areas. To local scale, habitat selection of Buffy-crowned Wood partridge was evaluated, for which It was stablished fixed ratio pointing counts (r=50m) in four forest of Guatemala department, where registered presence/absence of the species was done. Logistic regression models with presence data and habitat variables (number of trees, DBH, height and coverture of the canopy, height and coverture of herbs, humidity and temperature of environment and substrate temperature) was adjusted. Selection of resource units by the Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge was related negatively with the number of trees and with canopy coverture and it was related positively with herbs coverture. In conclusion, the Buffy-crowned Wood Partridge has a relative small and discrete distribution, limited by altitude and temperature and although it was registered specially in ecotones or forest edges areas, it still needs the presence of forest. It is recommended to re-categorize conservation status of this species, from Least Concern to Data Deficient, based on its narrow geographic distribution and the lack of population numerical data. Furthermore, it is recommended to evaluate the impact of poaching in this species populations and to generate information specifically about demographic topics, ecological function of the species and phyllogeography.
Palabras clave
Quiñónez-Guzmán, J. (2017). Distribución geográfica y evaluación del hábitat de la gallina de montaña (dendrortyx Leucophrys) en Guatemala. (Tesis de Maestría en Conservación y Manejo de Vida Silvestre). Universidad Nacional