Tratamiento de aguas residuales con tecnologías alternativas en una pequeña unidad doméstica–productiva
Pérez Rodríguez, Cynthia
Coto Campos, Juana María
Salgado Silva, Viviana
Herrera Núñez, Jacqueline
Fernández Araya, José Francisco
Benavides Benavides, Cristina
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Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica)
Se evaluó el sistema de tratamiento de aguas residuales instalado en una pequeña unidad doméstica-productiva ubicada en la zona de Escazú de la provincia de San José, mediante la medición de la demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, demanda química de oxígeno, fosfatos solubles, nitratos, sólidos totales, sólidos sedimentables, turbiedad, pH y coliformes fecales, en seis muestreos. Además, se realizaron tres muestreos en el Río Catalina, receptor del efluente final, en épocas de transición seca-lluviosa, lluviosa, transición lluviosa-seca, en los que se evaluaron oxígeno disuelto, fosfatos solubles, nitratos, sólidos totales, turbiedad, pH, coliformes fecales y macroinvertebrados bentónicos. La calidad del agua del río se expresó mediante el Índice de la Calidad de Agua de la Fundación Nacional de Sanidad de los Estados Unidos de América (ICAFNS) y el índice biótico BMWP-CR. El sistema estudiado resultó efectivo en la remoción de los contaminantes del agua, y con excepción de los coliformes fecales, el efluente final cumplió con los límites permisibles para cada uno de los parámetros establecidos para el reúso de aguas residuales tratadas con fines agrícolas y para el vertido de aguas residuales en cuerpos receptores. En términos generales, puede concluirse que el efluente del sistema de tratamiento no afecta la calidad del agua del Río Catalina.
A small producer has built in his property a low cost non-conventional wastewater treatment, characterized by maintenance and operation easiness, and aesthetical suitability; complemented with the implementation of environmentally friendly practices. The system involves reduction in water consumption, utilization of biodegradable products, treatment of wastewater and reuse, use of alternative energies, gravity watering, among others. Sewage and grey waters of the house are collected separately; the first one goes to a biodigester, followed by two small ponds with floating vegetation. Grey waters are treated in a series of three small ponds, with aquatic plants. The effluents of both subsystems are getting together and conducted to other two ponds; the final effluent is discharged into the Catalina River, where it was determined the Water Quality Index of the NSF and the BMWP Index, modified to Costa Rica. The system was evaluated for nine months; it was very successful in reduction of BOD, phosphates and nitrates, however, it is not as effective in the removal of fecal coliformes. In general terms, the effluent does not affect the water quality of the Catalina River.
A small producer has built in his property a low cost non-conventional wastewater treatment, characterized by maintenance and operation easiness, and aesthetical suitability; complemented with the implementation of environmentally friendly practices. The system involves reduction in water consumption, utilization of biodegradable products, treatment of wastewater and reuse, use of alternative energies, gravity watering, among others. Sewage and grey waters of the house are collected separately; the first one goes to a biodigester, followed by two small ponds with floating vegetation. Grey waters are treated in a series of three small ponds, with aquatic plants. The effluents of both subsystems are getting together and conducted to other two ponds; the final effluent is discharged into the Catalina River, where it was determined the Water Quality Index of the NSF and the BMWP Index, modified to Costa Rica. The system was evaluated for nine months; it was very successful in reduction of BOD, phosphates and nitrates, however, it is not as effective in the removal of fecal coliformes. In general terms, the effluent does not affect the water quality of the Catalina River.
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