Efectos de la tasa básica pasiva y el tipo de cambio
Vallejo Esquivel, Gustavo Mauricio
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Dada la coyuntura presentada con las tasas
de interés ofrecidas por las instituciones financieras, tanto para créditos como para captaciones, muchas son las consultas de la población
sobre la posición y recomendación de endeudarse o invertir en una u otra moneda y el riesgo
Sobre este tema, la Escuela de Administración (EDA) de la Universidad Nacional organizó, en mayo, la mesa redonda Transacciones
en la Bolsa Nacional de Valores y Panorama
Económico Nacional. Entre otros temas, se
abordaron la actual coyuntura de la tasa básica
pasiva (TBP) del Banco Central de Costa Rica
(BCCR), la situación de los créditos y de los ahorros y, sobre el tipo de cambio, se analizaron las
circunstancias que llevaron al pico histórico en
el precio del dólar alcanzado en mayo, contextualizado al impacto que producen estas variables en la sociedad costarricense.
Given the situation presented with the rates of interest offered by financial institutions, both for loans and for deposits, many are the inquiries of the population on the position and recommendation to borrow or invest in one or another currency and the risk associated. On this subject, the School of Administration (EDA) of the National University organized, in May, the round table Transactions on the National Stock Exchange and Panorama National Economic. Among other topics, addressed the current situation of the basic rate passive (TBP) of the Central Bank of Costa Rica (BCCR), the situation of credits and savings and, regarding the exchange rate, the circumstances that led to the historic peak in the price of the dollar reached in May, contextualized to the impact that these variables produce in Costa Rican society.
Given the situation presented with the rates of interest offered by financial institutions, both for loans and for deposits, many are the inquiries of the population on the position and recommendation to borrow or invest in one or another currency and the risk associated. On this subject, the School of Administration (EDA) of the National University organized, in May, the round table Transactions on the National Stock Exchange and Panorama National Economic. Among other topics, addressed the current situation of the basic rate passive (TBP) of the Central Bank of Costa Rica (BCCR), the situation of credits and savings and, regarding the exchange rate, the circumstances that led to the historic peak in the price of the dollar reached in May, contextualized to the impact that these variables produce in Costa Rican society.
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