Memoria del evento : XVI congreso latinoamericano y caribeño de extensión y acción social universitaria
Corriols , Enrique
Mc Quiddy, Evelyn
Mena-García, Priscila
Salazar Díaz, Ricardo
Lara, Catherine
Rodríguez Arburola, Yoselyn
Sancho Juárez, Gabriela
Montoya Ureña, Elena
Moraga Peralta, Bignory
Título de la revista
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Consejo Nacional de Rectores, Costa Rica
El XVI Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Extensión y Acción Social Universitaria llama a conjuntar ideas para plantear nuevas perspectivas de una sociedad latinoamericana más justa. Instó a las universidades inscritas en la jornada académica desarrollada en octubre, a trabajar por una sociedad más justa, menos desigual y violenta, renovando el compromiso para aprender de los procesos de base social y comunitaria, que se desarrollan con fuerza en la región. Tiene como objetico el contribuir con la reflexión crítica del quehacer de extensión y la acción social de las universidades latinoamericanas, mediante el intercambio de saberes y experiencias de distintos actores de la comunidad universitaria y civil latinoamericana a propósito de los desafíos del contexto regional.
The XVI Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Extension and University Social Action calls for joining ideas to propose new perspectives of a fairer Latin American society. He urged the universities enrolled in the academic session held in October to work for a fairer, less unequal and violent society, renewing their commitment to learn from social and community-based processes that are strongly developing in the region. Its objective is to contribute to the critical reflection of the extension work and social action of Latin American universities, through the exchange of knowledge and experiences of different actors of the Latin American university and civil community regarding the challenges of the regional context.
The XVI Latin American and Caribbean Congress of Extension and University Social Action calls for joining ideas to propose new perspectives of a fairer Latin American society. He urged the universities enrolled in the academic session held in October to work for a fairer, less unequal and violent society, renewing their commitment to learn from social and community-based processes that are strongly developing in the region. Its objective is to contribute to the critical reflection of the extension work and social action of Latin American universities, through the exchange of knowledge and experiences of different actors of the Latin American university and civil community regarding the challenges of the regional context.
Congreso latinoamericano y caribeño de extensión y acción social universitaria (16 : 2021 : Costa Rica)
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