First nest record of the Bare-shanked screech-owl (Otus clarkii)
Enriquez Roch, Paula L.
Rangel-Sala, Luis
Marsha, Joe T.
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
Reportamos el primer registro de anidación de la Lechucita Serranera (Otus clarkii), encontrado en las tierras altas de Costa Rica. El nido se localizó en un árbol de encino (Quercus copeyensis) a una altura de 3.3m en una cavidad natural con las siguientes dimensiones: 35 cm de largo y 64 cm de ancho. El nido contenía un pollo con una edad estimada de 3 semanas. Ambos padres alimentaban al pollo con insectos del orden coleóptera y ortóptera. No encontramos egagrópilas dentro ni fuera del nido. Se necesita más información sobre densidad poblacional y aspectos ecológicos para la Lechucita Serranera. Sin embargo, para establecer estrategias de conservación para esta especie, es importante incluir la protección de lotes arbolados para su reproducción.
We report the first nesting record of the Serranid Owl (Otus clarkii), found in the highlands of Costa Rica. The nest was located in an oak tree (Quercus copeyensis) at a height of 3.3 m in a natural cavity with the following dimensions: 35 cm long and 64 cm wide. The nest contained one nest contained a chick with an estimated age of 3 weeks. Both parents fed the chick with insects of the order Coleoptera and Orthoptera. No pellets were found inside or outside the nest. More information on population density and ecological aspects is needed for the Serranid Owl. However, in order to establish conservation strategies for this species, it is important to include the protection of woodlots for breeding.
We report the first nesting record of the Serranid Owl (Otus clarkii), found in the highlands of Costa Rica. The nest was located in an oak tree (Quercus copeyensis) at a height of 3.3 m in a natural cavity with the following dimensions: 35 cm long and 64 cm wide. The nest contained one nest contained a chick with an estimated age of 3 weeks. Both parents fed the chick with insects of the order Coleoptera and Orthoptera. No pellets were found inside or outside the nest. More information on population density and ecological aspects is needed for the Serranid Owl. However, in order to establish conservation strategies for this species, it is important to include the protection of woodlots for breeding.
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