Implementación de un sistema alternativo de captación y potabilización de agua de lluvia para el acceso de agua potable para los pobladores de Isla Caballo, Puntarenas, Costa Rica
Gómez-Solís, William-Alonso
Salinas Acosta, Adolfo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
El presente trabajo se enmarca en el proceso de sistematización de las experiencias desarrolladas
dentro del proyecto: “Acceso, disponibilidad y uso sustentable del agua potable por medio de la
implementación de un sistema de captación de agua lluvia (SCALL) para los pobladores de la Isla
Caballo.” De la Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica (UNA). Sede Regional Chorotega, por el Centro
Mesoamericano de Desarrollo Sostenible del Trópico Seco (CEMEDE). El cual se consiste en la
ejecución de un sistema de potabilización de agua de lluvia para el EBAIS de la Isla Caballo, con el
propósito de brindar una alternativa de abastecimiento de agua potable para este centro de salud,
para que la población de este sitio se beneficie y pueda contar un servicio con las condiciones
adecuadas, que permita garantizar calidad de salud para sus beneficiarios. Isla caballo presenta unas
condiciones entre las que están la geografía y el clima, que han ocasionado que se limite el acceso
del agua potable para sus habitantes, por lo que varias instituciones trabajan para resolver esta
situación. Es donde el CEMEDE a través de un proyecto de Regionalización de la UNA, financiado
por CONARE, lleva a cabo este proyecto. El proceso se llevó a cabo de manera participativa entre
los profesionales de la UNA, la comunidad de Isla Caballo a través de la Asociación de Desarrollo
Integral, el Comité de Aguas, el Área de Salud de Jicaral, la FAO, el Programa Interdisciplinario
Costero, entre otras. El desarrollo del proceso de dio a través de tres años, en los cuales se obtuvo
buenos resultados por la colaboración y el trabajo conjunto que se formó entre los diferentes actores.
This work is part of the systematization process of experiences developed within the project “Access, availability and sustainable use of drinking water through the implementation of a rainwater harvesting system (SCALL) for the inhabitants of Isla Caballo,” from the National University of Costa Rica (UNA), at the Chorotega Regional Campus, by the Mesoamerican Center for Sustainable Development of the Dry Tropics (CEMEDE). This project consists in the implementation of a rainwater potabilization system for the EBAIS of Isla Caballo, to provide an alternative drinking water supply for this health center so that the population of this site can benefit and have a service with adequate conditions to ensure the quality of health for their beneficiaries. Isla Caballo presents conditions that include geography and climate, which have caused limited access to drinking water for its inhabitants, so several institutions are working to solve this situation. It is where CEMEDE carries out this project, which derives from a project of Regionalization of the UNA, financed by CONARE. The process was conducted in a participatory manner by professionals from UNA, the Isla Caballo community through the Integral Development Association, the Water Committee, the Jicaral Health Area, FAO, and the Coastal Interdisciplinary Program, among others. The development of the process took three years, in which good results were obtained due to the collaboration and the joint work that was formed between the different actors.
This work is part of the systematization process of experiences developed within the project “Access, availability and sustainable use of drinking water through the implementation of a rainwater harvesting system (SCALL) for the inhabitants of Isla Caballo,” from the National University of Costa Rica (UNA), at the Chorotega Regional Campus, by the Mesoamerican Center for Sustainable Development of the Dry Tropics (CEMEDE). This project consists in the implementation of a rainwater potabilization system for the EBAIS of Isla Caballo, to provide an alternative drinking water supply for this health center so that the population of this site can benefit and have a service with adequate conditions to ensure the quality of health for their beneficiaries. Isla Caballo presents conditions that include geography and climate, which have caused limited access to drinking water for its inhabitants, so several institutions are working to solve this situation. It is where CEMEDE carries out this project, which derives from a project of Regionalization of the UNA, financed by CONARE. The process was conducted in a participatory manner by professionals from UNA, the Isla Caballo community through the Integral Development Association, the Water Committee, the Jicaral Health Area, FAO, and the Coastal Interdisciplinary Program, among others. The development of the process took three years, in which good results were obtained due to the collaboration and the joint work that was formed between the different actors.
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