Desarrollo capitalista y la inviabilidad del planteamiento ecologista: contradicciones entre la lógica de acumulación de capital y los conceptos de protección/conservación del medioambiente
Cruz Meléndez, Carlos Eduardo
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La creciente constatación de la destrucción ambiental a escala planetaria que conlleva el desarrollo de una producción económica regida por la lógica de la acumulación capitalista ha motivado, a su vez, una creciente movilización social contestataria, centrada en la protección per se del medioambiente. Así, los planteamientos ecologistas críticos se quedan en última instancia en atacar los síntomas de la crisis ambiental y no sus causas, que subyacen precisamente en el supuesto y exigencia de un crecimiento a infinito de la explotación económica tanto del ser humano como de los llamados recursos naturales. Esta contradicción es posible porque éticamente los planteamientos ecologistas no superan una ética compatible con la sociedad capitalista basada en un “bien común” abstracto, sin historia, según presenta en un autor como Adam Smith, un pensador liberal burgués para quien la conducta del homo economicus no es contradictoria con una ética social basada en la simpatía hacia los demás y el propio interés, donde la conducta individual se ve condicionada por cómo nos ven y cómo nos juzgan los demás.
The growing observation of environmental destruction on a planetary scale that entails the development of economic production governed by the logic of capitalist accumulation has, in turn, motivated an increasing social protest movement, focused on protecting the environment per se. Thus, critical ecological approaches ultimately remain to attack the symptoms of the environmental crisis and not its causes, which underlie precisely the assumption and demand for infinite growth in economic exploitation of both the human being and the so-called resources natural. This contradiction is possible because ethically the ecological approaches do not overcome an ethics compatible with capitalist society based on an abstract "common good", without history, as presented by an author such as Adam Smith, a bourgeois liberal thinker for whom the conduct of homo economicus It is not contradictory to a social ethic based on sympathy for others and self-interest, where individual behavior is conditioned by how others see us and how others judge us.
The growing observation of environmental destruction on a planetary scale that entails the development of economic production governed by the logic of capitalist accumulation has, in turn, motivated an increasing social protest movement, focused on protecting the environment per se. Thus, critical ecological approaches ultimately remain to attack the symptoms of the environmental crisis and not its causes, which underlie precisely the assumption and demand for infinite growth in economic exploitation of both the human being and the so-called resources natural. This contradiction is possible because ethically the ecological approaches do not overcome an ethics compatible with capitalist society based on an abstract "common good", without history, as presented by an author such as Adam Smith, a bourgeois liberal thinker for whom the conduct of homo economicus It is not contradictory to a social ethic based on sympathy for others and self-interest, where individual behavior is conditioned by how others see us and how others judge us.
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