Estados Unidos e Irán: causas y consecuencias del escalamiento de una relación adversa
Cascante Segura, Carlos Humberto
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Oficina de Comunicación, Universidad Nacional
3 de enero de 2020: mediante un
ataque teledirigido con drones, el ejército
de los Estados Unidos ajusticia a Qassen
Solimani y Abu Mahdi Almohandas; el
primero, jefe del Comando Quds de
la Guardia Revolucionaria de Irán y el
segundo, uno de los principales líderes de
las Fuerzas de Movilización Popular Iraquí
(agrupación que reúne a un buen número
de las milicias chiitas en Iraq). Asimismo,
se produjo un ataque fallido contra
Abdul Reza Shahlai, principal oficial iraní
destacado en Yemen, donde Irán apoya a
las milicias hutíes. Días después, Irán ataca
con, al menos, una docena de proyectiles
dos bases militares de los Estados Unidos
ubicadas al norte de Iraq, sin que se
produzca bajas estadounidenses.
El objetivo de este artículo consiste en
describir las posibles razones que llevaron
a ese curso de acción
January 3, 2020: through a drone attack, the army of the United States executes Qassen Solimani and Abu Mahdi Almohandas; the first, head of the Quds Command of the Revolutionary Guard of Iran and the second, one of the main leaders of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (grouping that brings together a good number Shiite militias in Iraq). Likewise, there was a failed attack against Abdul Reza Shahlai, top Iranian officer prominent in Yemen, where Iran supports the Houthi militias. Days later, Iran strikes with at least a dozen projectiles two United States military bases located in northern Iraq, without produce American casualties. The purpose of this article is to describe the possible reasons that led to that course of action
January 3, 2020: through a drone attack, the army of the United States executes Qassen Solimani and Abu Mahdi Almohandas; the first, head of the Quds Command of the Revolutionary Guard of Iran and the second, one of the main leaders of the Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces (grouping that brings together a good number Shiite militias in Iraq). Likewise, there was a failed attack against Abdul Reza Shahlai, top Iranian officer prominent in Yemen, where Iran supports the Houthi militias. Days later, Iran strikes with at least a dozen projectiles two United States military bases located in northern Iraq, without produce American casualties. The purpose of this article is to describe the possible reasons that led to that course of action
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