Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Interbirth interval of a free-ranging jaguar 

      Carrillo, Eduardo; Saenz, Joel; Fuller, Todd (Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica., 2009)
      The 60-kg adult female jaguar was first captured on 25 February 1996 in a box trap baited with shark meat. We monitored her for the next three and a half years, usually locating her by triangulation once or twice a week, ...
    • Reproduction of white-tailed deer in a seasonally dry tropical forest of Costa Rica: A test of aseasonality 

      Fuller, Todd K.; Silva, Alexander M.; Montalvo, Victor H.; Sáenz Bolaños, Carolina; Carrillo J., Eduardo (Oxford University Press, 2020-02-21)
      The reproductive season of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) has been hypothesized to be aseasonal south of about 14°–18°N latitude, where annual variation in day length is low. We tested this idea by using camera-trap ...