Consecuencias sociales sicológicas y académicas que se generan al establecer una relación de noviazgo en la adolescencia, Unidad Pedagógica José Breinderhoff, circuito 05 de la Dirección Regional de Educación de Pérez Zeledón, 2010
Jiménez Navarro, Maricela
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
Analiza las consecuencias sociales, sicológicas y académicas que genera el iniciar una relación de noviazgo, en los adolescentes de edades entre los 13 y 17 años de la Unidad Pedagógica José Breinderhoff, circuito 05 de la Dirección Regional de Educación Pérez Zeledón, 2010. La investigación responde a un estudio de tipo cualitativo, utiliza una metodología etnográfica y un enfoque de caso múltiple. Para registrar el proceso de sistematización, se diseñaron instrumentos dirigidos a estudiantes, padres de familia y a la orientadora de la institución, mediante entrevistas en profundidad y notas de campo. La población estuvo conformada por seis estudiantes y seis padres de familia y la orientadora del centro educativo. Los principales resultados muestran que el establecer una relación de noviazgo en la adolescencia, juega un papel muy importante en la vida del adolescente, debido a que comparten gustos e intereses lo que lo ayuda a conocerse mejor y a obtener mayor seguridad en sus acciones. Las conclusiones indican que una relación de noviazgo influye negativamente en el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes, ya que el vínculo que establecen con esa persona es motivo de distracción.
It analyzes the social, psychological and academic consequences of starting a dating relationship in adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 years old from the Pedagogical Unit José Breinderhoff, circuit 05 of the Regional Directorate of Education Pérez Zeledón, 2010. The research is a qualitative study, using an ethnographic methodology and a multiple case approach. To record the systematization process, instruments were designed for students, parents and the school counselor, through in-depth interviews and field notes. The population consisted of six students, six parents and the school counselor. The main results show that establishing a dating relationship in adolescence plays a very important role in the life of the adolescent, since they share tastes and interests, which helps them to get to know each other better and become more confident in their actions. The conclusions indicate that a dating relationship has a negative influence on the academic performance of students, since the bond they establish with that person is a source of distraction.
It analyzes the social, psychological and academic consequences of starting a dating relationship in adolescents between the ages of 13 and 17 years old from the Pedagogical Unit José Breinderhoff, circuit 05 of the Regional Directorate of Education Pérez Zeledón, 2010. The research is a qualitative study, using an ethnographic methodology and a multiple case approach. To record the systematization process, instruments were designed for students, parents and the school counselor, through in-depth interviews and field notes. The population consisted of six students, six parents and the school counselor. The main results show that establishing a dating relationship in adolescence plays a very important role in the life of the adolescent, since they share tastes and interests, which helps them to get to know each other better and become more confident in their actions. The conclusions indicate that a dating relationship has a negative influence on the academic performance of students, since the bond they establish with that person is a source of distraction.
Licenciatura en orientación
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