El acuerdo de asociación entre Centroamérica y la Unión Europea (AACUE): retos y oportunidades
Esquivel González, Brenda
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica
La integración regional es un proceso que surge de la convergencia de los intereses de los países de
una determinada zona geográfica. Esta se origina como un mecanismo para enfrentar los desafíos
que presupone el mundo globalizado y las nuevas tendencias de la economía y de los retos derivados
de esta, principalmente posterior a la II Guerra Mundial, en un contexto en el que aumenta la
interdependencia de los Estados y surgen actores no estatales en el escenario internacional. Dentro
esquemas de integración, se han identificado las siguientes fases o estadios de profundización, de
acuerdo a Balassa (1961): Unión Aduanera, Mercado Común, Unión Económica e Integración
Económica Total. La integración económica totales el estadio superior de integración económica y
para llegar a ella se necesita de la compenetración de las políticas económicas que permita la unión
económica y monetaria. Algunos de los instrumentos utilizados para promover y consolidar la
integración económica, además de los ya mencionados son: los Tratados de Libre Comercio (TLC),
Acuerdos de Asociación Económica (AAE), Áreas de Comercio Preferencial (ACP) y las Áreas de
Libre Comercio (ALC). Estos instrumentos se han ido perfeccionando conforme los intereses de las
naciones implicadas evolucionan y se expanden a otros ámbitos hasta dar vida a formas más
desarrolladas de integración. Dentro de esta perspectiva la Unión Europea (UE) y el Sistema de la
Integración Centroamericana (SICA), son un ejemplo de estos procesos de integración regional. La
presente investigación más allá de explorar estos procesos, se ha propuesto valorar las implicaciones
para un país como Costa Rica del Acuerdo de Asociación entre Centroamérica y la Unión Europea
(AACUE), el cual está conformado por tres partes: el pilar de comercio, el pilar de diálogo político y
el pilar de cooperación. Hasta el momento de la finalización de esta investigación sólo ha entrado en
vigor el pilar comercial, por consiguiente aquí se propone dejar constancia de las oportunidades y los
retos que este acuerdo genera para Costa Rica.
Regional integration is a process that arises from the convergence of the interests of the countries of a certain geographical area. This originates as a mechanism to face the challenges that the globalized world presupposes and the new trends in the economy and the challenges derived from it, mainly after World War II, in a context in which the interdependence of States increases. and non-state actors emerge on the international stage. Within integration schemes, the following phases or stages of deepening have been identified, according to Balassa (1961): Customs Union, Common Market, Economic Union and Total Economic Integration. Total economic integration is the highest stage of economic integration and in order to reach it, the interpenetration of economic policies that allows economic and monetary union is needed. Some of the instruments used to promote and consolidate economic integration, in addition to those already mentioned, are: Free Trade Agreements (FTA), Economic Association Agreements (EPA), Preferential Trade Areas (ACP) and Free Trade Areas (ALC). These instruments have been refined as the interests of the nations involved evolve and expand to other areas until giving life to more developed forms of integration. Within this perspective, the European Union (EU) and the Central American Integration System (SICA) are an example of these regional integration processes. This research, beyond exploring these processes, has proposed to assess the implications for a country like Costa Rica of the Association Agreement between Central America and the European Union (AACUE), which is made up of three parts: the trade pillar, the pillar of political dialogue and the pillar of cooperation. Until the completion of this investigation, only the commercial pillar has entered into force, therefore, here it is proposed to record the opportunities and challenges that this agreement generates for Costa Rica.
Regional integration is a process that arises from the convergence of the interests of the countries of a certain geographical area. This originates as a mechanism to face the challenges that the globalized world presupposes and the new trends in the economy and the challenges derived from it, mainly after World War II, in a context in which the interdependence of States increases. and non-state actors emerge on the international stage. Within integration schemes, the following phases or stages of deepening have been identified, according to Balassa (1961): Customs Union, Common Market, Economic Union and Total Economic Integration. Total economic integration is the highest stage of economic integration and in order to reach it, the interpenetration of economic policies that allows economic and monetary union is needed. Some of the instruments used to promote and consolidate economic integration, in addition to those already mentioned, are: Free Trade Agreements (FTA), Economic Association Agreements (EPA), Preferential Trade Areas (ACP) and Free Trade Areas (ALC). These instruments have been refined as the interests of the nations involved evolve and expand to other areas until giving life to more developed forms of integration. Within this perspective, the European Union (EU) and the Central American Integration System (SICA) are an example of these regional integration processes. This research, beyond exploring these processes, has proposed to assess the implications for a country like Costa Rica of the Association Agreement between Central America and the European Union (AACUE), which is made up of three parts: the trade pillar, the pillar of political dialogue and the pillar of cooperation. Until the completion of this investigation, only the commercial pillar has entered into force, therefore, here it is proposed to record the opportunities and challenges that this agreement generates for Costa Rica.
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