Emergencias y cuidado crítico en especies de compañía en le Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres de la Universidad Nacional y el Veterinary Health Center de Kansas State University
Schmidt Mata., Luis José
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Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica.
En un periodo comprendido entre el 4 de febrero al 10 de mayo de 2019 se
realizó una pasantía de 577 horas en los Servicios de Emergencias y Cuidado Crítico
del Hospital de Especies Menores de la Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria de la
Universidad Nacional (HEMS-UNA) y el Veterinary Health Center de Kansas State
University (VHC-KSU). La pasantía se llevó a cabo en tres etapas de cuatro semanas
cada una; la primera y última etapa se realizaron el HEMS-UNA, mientras que la
segunda se efectuó en el VHC-KSU.
Durante la pasantía se participó en el abordaje de 166 casos de pacientes
que acudieron a la consulta de emergencias. En las etapas uno y tres realizadas en el
HEMS-UNA se atendieron 80 casos, mientras que en la etapa dos efectuada en el
VHC-KSU se abordaron 86 emergencias. Para cada uno de los centros médicos los
casos fueron clasificados según la especie, categorización del “triage” y tipo de
emergencia. Además, se analizaron los abordajes farmacológicos y las herramientas
diagnósticas más utilizadas.
Finalmente, se desarrollan los casos de dos pacientes caninos que se
presentaron al Servicio de Emergencias del VHC-KSU que fueron considerados de
interés debido al tipo de emergencia y el abordaje realizado; uno trata sobre una
intoxicación con metanfetaminas y el segundo sobre peritonitis biliar secundaria a
ruptura de vesícula biliar.
Between February 4 and May 10, 2019, an internship of 577 hours was carried out in the Emergency and Critical Care Services of the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres of the Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria at the Universidad Nacional (HEMS-UNA) and the Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University (VHC-KSU). The internship consisted of three stages of four weeks each; the first and last stages were performed at the HEMS-UNA, while the second stage was carried out at the VHC-KSU. During this internship the student was involved in the medical approach of 166 cases of patients who attended the emergency consultation. In stages one and three, carried out in the HEMS-UNA, 80 emergency cases were approached, while in stage two carried out in the VHC-KSU, a total of 86 emergencies were addressed. For each of the hospitals the cases were classified according to the species, triage categorization, and type of emergency. In addition, the most frequent pharmacological approaches and diagnostic tools were analyzed. Finally, two cases of canine patients who presented to the emergency service of the VHC-KSU, that were considered of interest due to the type of emergency and the medical approach, are developed; the first one talks about an intoxication with methamphetamines and the second is about a case of biliary peritonitis secondary to gallbladder rupture.
Between February 4 and May 10, 2019, an internship of 577 hours was carried out in the Emergency and Critical Care Services of the Hospital de Especies Menores y Silvestres of the Escuela de Medicina Veterinaria at the Universidad Nacional (HEMS-UNA) and the Veterinary Health Center at Kansas State University (VHC-KSU). The internship consisted of three stages of four weeks each; the first and last stages were performed at the HEMS-UNA, while the second stage was carried out at the VHC-KSU. During this internship the student was involved in the medical approach of 166 cases of patients who attended the emergency consultation. In stages one and three, carried out in the HEMS-UNA, 80 emergency cases were approached, while in stage two carried out in the VHC-KSU, a total of 86 emergencies were addressed. For each of the hospitals the cases were classified according to the species, triage categorization, and type of emergency. In addition, the most frequent pharmacological approaches and diagnostic tools were analyzed. Finally, two cases of canine patients who presented to the emergency service of the VHC-KSU, that were considered of interest due to the type of emergency and the medical approach, are developed; the first one talks about an intoxication with methamphetamines and the second is about a case of biliary peritonitis secondary to gallbladder rupture.
Modalidad: Pasantía
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