Caravaca Mendoza, DamarisGutiérrez Cruz, MerlynHernández-Ulate, AuroraLuna Angulo, Jorge ManuelRodríguez Rodríguez, JennyVillarreal Obando, Didier2021-11-192021-11-192014978-9968-638-14-2 libro “Basic English for Tourism: Listening and Speaking Skills” es una guía para el facilitador de las capacitaciones y un pilar fundamental del aprendizaje, porque no solo sistematiza los contenidos, sino que le proporciona a los y las participantes de las capacitaciones, la posibilidad de repasar, aplicar y divulgar su aprendizaje de esta lengua.Welcome to Basic English for Tourism, a basic listening and speaking skills textbook designed for English language learners who need to acquire specific vocabulary from their field of work. This textbook engages students in a variety of listening, vocabulary and speaking activities to be successful in their daily work environment. This textbook is structured around highly- demanded areas of their work activities such as customer service, tourism sector and hospitality. The content areas are organized from the basic foundation of the English language to more complex structures of English. As the chapter progresses, students recycle and extend their knowledge by focusing on listening and speaking skills so that learners can acquire the target language.engAcceso abiertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternacionalÉSTURISMOENSEÑANZA DE IDIOMASENSEÑANZA SUPERIORLIBROS DE TEXTOCOMUNICACION ORALENGLISHTEACHINGTEXTBOOKTOURISMBasic English for tourism: listening and speaking skills