Montero Chacón, Tatiana VanessaMora Guido, Johnny AntonioRodríguez Chaves, José David2025-02-032025-02-032016-06-152215-5643 de Lenguas ModeRnas, N° 24, 2016 / 317-337 / ISSN: 1659-1933This present study explores the practice of enhancing oral production by teaching culture within a Content-Based Instruction approach, and it was done at the Centro de Estudios en Inglés Conversacional (CEIC), an outreach program from Universidad Nacional (UNA) with a group of intermediate English as Foreign Language students. The aim of this study was to determine whether the students enriched their oral produc-tion from including cultural topics into communicative tasks. As a main finding, the participants enhanced their oral performance, focusing on content rather than on the language forms; likewise, the participants ef-ficiently incorporated cultural content into their oral production.engAcceso abiertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 InternationalÑANZA DE IDIOMASENSEÑANZACULTURAORALIDADPLANES EDUCACIONALESINGLÉSTEACHINGLANGUAGE TRAININGCULTUREEDUCATION PLANSEnhancement of oral production through the teaching of culture in content-based instruction