Súarez Serrano, Andrea2019-08-312019-08-312019-06-26http://hdl.handle.net/11056/15142HIDROCEC is a strategic research program from the Universidad Nacional of Costa Rica (UNA), located in the Northwestern part of the country, is located at Campus Liberia Guanacaste province. The main activities of this research centers include transdisciplinary applied research for innovation, graduate and postgraduate education on environmental sciences, and capacity building in vulnerable communities. HIDROCEC is focused on hydric resources from Central America and the Caribbean region. HIDROCEC promotes an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach focused on three main areas: 1) Watershed Management; 2) Water Quality; and 3) Treatment and water Reutilization. HIDROCEC use cross-sectorial and multi-stakeholder approaches to accomplish their mission, working together with other academic units of the Universiad Nacional (UNA), establishing alliances with other universities and state entities, as well as public and private organizations of national and international character. Through, research and extension projects, consolidating it leadership and bonding with regional stakeholders. Moreover, HIDROCEC worked in the constutction of the new B.Sc. on Hydrological Engineering at the Sede Regional Chorotega-UNA, which currently has an enrollment of 136 students, with a fourth class of 40 students starting in 2019. The work of this centers respond to the needs of a region where overexploitation of aquifers, water disputes, and water security limitations are increasing. In such context, strengthening academic and research capacities is a constant endeavor of high importance.enRECURSOS HÍDRICOSMANEJO AMBIENTALCONTROL AMBIENTALCOSTA RICACALIDAD DEL AGUAHIDROCEC-UNA: Management of water resources from a interinstitucional and intersectorial approachhttp://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_8544