Sáenz Segura, FernandoAbad Hernández, Alberto José2022-08-262022-08-262022-08-08http://hdl.handle.net/11056/23755Este plan de negocios tiene como propósito determinar la factibilidad de exportación de coolant de la empresa Lapa Green hacia Panamá, específicamente hacia la provincia de Chiriquí; para lo cual se realiza un estudio de mercado, otro estudio técnico, para terminar con un estudio de viabilidad financiera. The purpose of this business plan is to determine the feasibility of exporting coolant from the Lapa Green company to Panama, specifically to the province of Chiriquí; for which a market study is carried out, in addition to a technical study, to finish with a financial feasibility study.The purpose of this business plan is to determine the feasibility of exporting coolant from the Lapa Green company to Panama, specifically to the province of Chiriquí; for which a market study is carried out, another technical study, to finish with a financial feasibility study. The purpose of this business plan is to determine the feasibility of exporting coolant from the Lapa Green company to Panama, specifically to the province of Chiriquí; for which a market study is carried out, in addition to a technical study, to finish with a financial feasibility study.spaAcceso abiertohttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/PLANIFICACIÓNNEGOCIOSEXPORTACIÓNPANAMÁRFRIGERANTECOSTA RICAPLANNINGBUSINESSEXPORTREFRIGERANTDesarrollo de un plan de negocios: estrategia de exportación de coolant hacia Panamá para la empresa Lapa Greenhttp://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_bdcc