Obando Contreras, LauraCórdoba Brenes, CarolObando Quesada, Jeannette2020-08-272020-08-272020-08-12http://hdl.handle.net/11056/18012El presente estudio se realiza en la etapa final de la carrera de Administración de la Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica (UNA) y es realizado con la finalidad de concluir el grado de Licenciatura con énfasis en Gestión de Recursos Humanos. La modalidad utilizada de trabajo final de graduación (TFG) es la de proyecto, que consiste en una actividad teórico-práctica dirigida al planteamiento, diagnóstico y diseño de estrategias para resolver un problema concreto y de impacto en la sociedad. Para ello, se requiere de una base previa de investigación, con capacidad de generar y reconocer una línea base de diagnóstico interno y externo (posición actual), análisis del entorno y actores principales, sin los cuales no se podría obtener resultados precisos que permitan el logro de los objetivos propuestos a favor de la organización beneficiada. Se realiza la contrastación entre la teoría en recursos humanos desde el enfoque de la planificación organizacional y la gestión del talento humano, además de la información recopilada en entrevistas y observación en la organización en general, desde un enfoque investigativo de carácter cualitativa. Se ha seleccionado al Centro Agrícola Cantonal de Nandayure (C.A.C.N.), debido a que es una organización de productores agropecuarios sin fines de lucro de la economía social y solidaria, que necesita de la colaboración de proyectos de investigación, que le permita potenciar bases de carácter gerencial para mejorar la capacidad de logro de los fines para lo cual se ha creado. De acuerdo con la Ley 4521 de los Centros Agrícolas Cantonales y la reforma de Ley 7932, su finalidad principal es de dar acompañamiento a los agricultores por medio de pagos de servicios ambientales, apoyo a capacitaciones, información de personas para el empoderamiento comunal, además, genera espacios de negociación e intervenciones entre los agricultores y los entes gubernamentales. En el caso del Centro Agrícola Cantonal de Nandayure, su labor está orientada a la atención de productores y artesanos del cantón. Los beneficiarios directos tienen pequeñas unidades productivas (fincas, proyectos lecheros, procesos artesanales) que con el soporte del Centro Agrícola obtienen beneficios que les ayudan en distintas áreas como la productiva, técnica, económica y financiera. Los productores que atienden la organización carecen, generalmente, de espacios de venta adecuados, de procesos de acompañamiento empresarial y de entidades que brinden apoyos técnicos y económicos en sus procesos. La interrogante de este estudio, es cuál modelo de gestión estratégica y organizacional debe tener el Centro Agrícola Cantonal de Nandayure, que le permita responder, de forma efectiva, a las demandas que le plantea el periodo 2020-2025, pero tomando en cuenta su historial, las políticas y leyes vigentes, los agentes externos, etc. Para ello, se debió realizar un diagnóstico organizacional,This study is carried out at the final stage of the Administration major at the National University, Costa Rica (UNA). This is done in order to complete the Licentiate degree with an emphasis on Human Resources Management. The modality used for the final graduation work (TFG) is that of a project, which consists of a theoretical-practical activity aimed at the approach, diagnosis and design of strategies to solve a specific problem and impact on society. For this, a prior research base is required, with the ability to generate and recognize a baseline of internal and external diagnosis (current position), analysis of the environment and main actors; otherwise, it would not be possible to obtain precise results that allow the achievement of the objectives proposed in favor of the beneficiary organization. The contrast between the theory in human resources is made from the approach of organizational planning and the management of human talent, in addition to the information collected in interviews and observation in the organization in general, from a qualitative investigative approach. The Cantonal Agricultural Center of Nandayure (CACN) has been selected because it is an organization of non-profit agricultural producers of the social and solidarity economy. This organization needs the collaboration of research projects, which allows it to strengthen the availability of management to improve the ability to achieve the purposes for which it has been created. In accordance with the Law 4521 of the Cantonal Agricultural Centers and the reform of the Law 7932, its main purpose is to provide support to farmers through payments for environmental services, support for training, information of people for community empowerment, in addition, it generates spaces for negotiation and interventions between farmers and government entities. In the case of the Nandayure Cantonal Agricultural Center, its work is aimed at the attention of producers and artisans of the canton. The direct beneficiaries have small productive units (farms, dairy projects, artisanal processes) that, with the support of the Agricultural Center, obtain benefits that help them in different scopes such as the productive, the technical, the economic and the financial areas. The producers who serve the organization generally lack adequate sales spaces, business support processes and entities that provide technical and financial support in their processes. The question of this study sets out to answer which strategic and organizational management model should have the Nandayure Cantonal Agricultural Center that may allow it to respond effectively to the demands posed by the 2020-2025 period, but taking into account its history, current policies and laws, external agents, etc. To do this, an organizational diagnosis had to be carried out through a SWOT in order to prepare a strategic plan and its operationalization; a human resource management model which responds to the organizational objectives proposed in the strategic plan and in the operational management model of the CACN to achieve the strategic framework during the first five years. On the other hand, it has been shown that the families of workers in the countryside and the city, the communities, the associations, and the networks have been looking for answers to the critical situation due to globalization and high competition in the national and internacional markets; for that reason, they encouraged the generation of social and solidarity economy companies as a positive alternative. The study consists of five essential chapters, where methodological, theoretical and field information are addressed. Methodological Framework: An explanation of the methodological structure that supports the research is presented, so that the reader knows the study more in detail and can have enough parameters to locate the level of quality of the information that is processed. Reference Framework: The organizational structure of the Nandayure Cantonal Agricultural Center is determined, as well as the public and private entities, nationally and internationally, that due to the purpose of their functions get to be involved in this research. Theoretical Framework: The theoretical contents that support the research are presented, with primary and secondary information, which will be used for the gathering of information in the field and used for the diagnosis. Analysis of the results: Regarding the objectives of the research, the findings found in the CACN are presented. This findings are analyzed through the SWOT matrix, in order to establish, in this way, the strategies that will provide the basis of the planning strategy, which is based on the Balanced Scorecard model, the annual operating plan and the human resources management model. Conclusions: The results found during the investigation are presented. Those results respond to the objectives.spaAcceso abiertoAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internacionalhttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/MANEJO AGROPECUARIOAGRICULTORESAGRICULTURAModelo de gestión estratégico y organizacional para el fortalecimiento operativo del Centro Agrícola Cantonal de Nandayurehttp://purl.org/coar/resource_type/c_7a1f