Barrios Oviedo, Antonio2022-09-222022-09-222011-10 guerra en Libia se ha terminado. Al menos así lo pregonan los gobiernos interventores y los rebeldes libios, a pesar de que la lucha continúa. Las expectativas no cumplidas de esta guerra fueron siempre que Gadafi debía capitular ante las fuerzas rebeldes, y que sus propias fuerzas lo abandonarían tan pronto como vieran que la guerra estaba perdida. Es probable que sea cierto, pero los hechos dicen otra cosa.The war in Libya is over. At least that is what the intervening governments and the Libyan rebels the intervening governments and the Libyan rebels, although the fighting continues. The unfulfilled unfulfilled expectations of this war were always that Gaddafi was to capitulate to the rebel forces, and that his own forces would abandon him as soon as soon as they saw that the war was the war was lost. This is probably true, but the facts say otherwise.spaAcceso abiertoEUROPAGUERRALIBIAPOLITICAEUROPELIBYAPOLICYWAR¿Una victoria prematura en Libia?