Arrieta Ávila, Luis AlonsoChaverri Chaves, Pablo2024-01-232024-01-232019-06-281870-8420 presente artículo hace revisión a diversas investigaciones realizadas sobre el autocontrol, con el objetivo de identificar sus componentes y, partir de ello poder dar luces sobre las estrategias más adecuadas para fomentarlo de una manera integral.The following article is a literature review of diverse researches about self-control which main purpose is to identify its components, and from there, be able to provide some guidence about which could be some of the most suitable strategies to develop it in an integral way. Key words: Self-control, delay of gratification, neuroscience, social context.spaAcceso abiertoAUTODISCIPLINANEUROCIENCIASESTRATEGIASASPECTOS SOCIALESSELF-DISCIPLINENEUROSCIENCESSTRATEGIESSOCIAL ASPECTSComponentes del AutocontrolComponents of self-control