Barrios Oviedo, Antonio2022-09-222022-09-222013-10¿Estarán equivocados quienes creen que en el fondo Occidente ha estado a punto de ir a la guerra contra Siria por el oro negro? Por supuesto que no, porque en el subsuelo sirio hay petróleo, cuyas reservas probadas se estiman en unos 2.500 millones de barriles; es decir, el 0,1% del total global. Nadie prescindiría de ese petróleo y la guerra bien lo vale en el actual contexto geopolítico.¿ Are those who believe those who believe that the West has the West has been on the verge of the West has been on the verge of going to war war against Syria for black gold? Of course not, because there is oil in the Syrian not, because there is oil in the Syrian subsoil, whose proven reserves are estimated reserves are estimated at some 2.5 billion 2.5 billion barrels, or 0.1% of the 0.1% of the global total. No one would do without that oil, and the war is war is well worth it in the current geopolitical geopolitical context.spaAcceso abiertoGUERRAPOLITICARELACIONES INTERNACIONALESINTERNATIONAL RELATIONSPOLITICSWARLa guerra Siria y la estrategia de los cuatro mares